You can trace the whole think back to Maurice Strong, the Rockefellers and the United Nations.
Maurice Strong The UN and Biodiversity
"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" Maurice
In 1970 he returned to the United Nations and organized the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the environment, founding and becoming the first head of the
U.N.Environment Program. Strong invited and paid the tab for groups such as Greenpeace and then told them to go home and"raise he!!" He chaired the
1992 Rio summit on the environment.
"From 1971, he served as a trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation and the Aspen Institute. Later also served
as an advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation and a member of the Club of Rome."
Source So it is not strange to find Greenpeace and Sierra Club are
funded by the Rockefeller foundations.
Hanne, Strong's wife, likes to tell the story of how in 1978, a mystic informed the Strong that "the Baca [ranch] would become the center for a new
planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the globe in the years to come."
Could the “ environmental catastrophes” be an “Ice Age” instead of “global Warming”?
In the early seventies “the climate debate” was not over. There were two opposing models. One is CO2 forced warming orginating with Fourier in
1824, & Svente Arrhenius in 1896 and later in 1968 with Mikhail Budyko . The other is the solar cycles & earth orbital changes leading to ice ages.
Milankovitch 1930 & 1941
detailed the earth orbital cycles related to the major Ice Ages and Herschel
1801, Jevons, 1878, &
Gleissberg (1939 & 1971) described the solar cycles and
linked them to the mini-ice Ages.
In 1970, Broecker using new radioactive decay dating methods identified and dated five full ice age cycles in 1970. He stated his work was in
agreement with Milankovitch.
Maurice bought the Colorado Land & Cattle Company and its accompanying 200,000 acres of San Luis Valley in Colorado in 1978 (now owned by the
Conservation Fund). This land sits on multiple huge underground water streams. Baca is sitting on not one but three of the best Aquifers in the area,
oil and San Luis Valley in southern Colorado,
known as one of the most productive
agricultural areas in the West.
If there is an Ice age, what will Strong's ranch look like?
“At the most extreme stage of the last glaciation, most of Canada and much of the northern USA were covered by an ice sheet thousands of metres in
thickness. Colder and often drier than present conditions predominated across most of the USA. The eastern deciduous and conifer forests were
replaced by more open conifer woodlands with cooler-climate species of pines and a large component of spruce. The open spruce woodland and parkland
extended somewhat further west than present, into what is now the prairie zone. As a result of aridity and lowering of sea level (which lowered
inland water tables), much of Florida was covered by drifting sand dunes. Notably moister than present conditions occurred across much of the
south-west, with open conifer woodlands and scrub common in areas that are now semi-desert. Reconstruction of North America during last Ice Age
Baca is one of the best pieces of real estate to be sitting on if there is an Ice Age, especially since the transition to ice age conditions can be
In 1978 there was no warming
trend visible in the global temperature data. Although from 1972
– 1974 Journalists were writing about coming Ice Ages, by 1977
opinion converged on “warming” not cooling
It is instructive to read Strong's 1972 Stockholm speech and compare it with the issues of Earth Summit 1992. Strong warned urgently about global
warming, the devastation of forests, the loss of biodiversity, polluted oceans, the population time bomb.
This is the origin of Global Warming, the Environmental Movement and things like Dr. Pianka’s
speech in 2006 advocating the need to
exterminate 90% of the population through the airborne ebola virus (he recieved a standing ovation). For John Holdren, Obama's chief science advisor
to be a
coauthor of a book
"a book supporting things such as mass sterilization and forced abortions." And Dr Fedoroff, the science and technology advisor to the US
secretary of state since 2007, stating
"We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the global population; the planet can't support many more people," stressing the need for
humans to become much better at managing "wild lands" Source
[edit on 21-8-2009 by crimvelvet]