posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 03:57 AM
This atmospheric event that I captured a couple of years ago (August 2007), really intrigued me as it was so unlike anything I've ever seen or heard
about before or since.
I happened to be in my home office in the afternoon when something caught my eye through the was an unusual dark cloud in the distance
that appeared odd because of a strange protrusion sticking out of its side. It looked like a large cannonball had been shot horizontally through it,
producing a plume effect.
At first I thought well cool look but probably just some air current effect, so I continued focusing back on my PC, until a few minutes later when I
happened to look back through the window...I was rather shocked to see that this plume had grown massively in length and traveled many miles, so that
it had already passed over my house!
I decided that I had to capture what I could on video so rushed around locating my camera and headed outside, where I was able to record a couple of
minutes worth of footage of it before my battery ran flat.
Maybe someone with meteorological expertise has an answer for what this was, but it sure covered distance at an amazing rate (though the camera shot
doesn't fully relate this).
Also there was no object (jet/plane) in view, no sound of it passing overhead. In fact before I got my camera working the front part of the cloud was
only passing overhead (but very fast), and appeared to be like a ball of energy driving/pulling the the cloud trail along.
A possibility to consider is if there's no natural explanation, could I have witnessed a UFO (invisible) punching through a cloud and drawing a cloud
wake behind it???
Here's the 2 min's of footage...looking forward to any feedback!