posted on Feb, 13 2003 @ 06:46 PM
I can understand wanting standard's, but the standard's they are setting are way too high. This isn't a college, it's the internet. There are no
boundries, no limit's, no standard's. At what cost are they setting these standard's at? I'd guess over half the internet user's that may find
there way here someday, only to be banned because they don't meet the standard's.
TBATS can be done succesfully, but the current way it's being done is a failure. It's been a failure before it was even announced.
If you don't mind, I would like to propose a new 'standard' for TBATS. One less strict on the freedom of communication, and yet, still allow's
people to be people when and where it is needed with plenty of mature discussion's taking place in their respective forum's. As of now, I have a
rough draft in mind ... This is just a proposal, not a demand or anything of that nature, I would just like for you to take a look at it, and it can
be done in private VIA U2U if needed. If there are certain portion's of my proposal that you like, I would love to see them atleast aadded to the
current 'standards' you have put forth.