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Calls grow for international summit on collapse of Fraser sockeye run

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:14 PM

Calls for a Canada-U.S. salmon summit are increasing in the wake of the near total collapse of the Fraser River sockeye run.

Ujjal Dosanjh, a Liberal MP whose riding lies near the north arm of the Fraser, said Thursday the situation is grave enough that it deserves to be the focus of an intergovernmental conference involving federal, state and provincial representatives.

The collapse of the Fraser run “is going to have an impact on the aboriginal community, the commercial fishery and potentially the ecosystem as well – and that's pretty significant,” said Mr. Dosanjh.

“Governments on both sides of the border [need] to come together to look at this situation and determine if there's anything we can do to ensure this doesn't continue.”

Mr. Dosanjh's remarks were made after the Department of Fisheries and Oceans confirmed only about 1.7 million sockeye are returning to the Fraser River this year. Until a few weeks ago DFO was predicting the run would number 10.6 million to 13 million, based on a strong spawning run in 2005, which produced a record number of juvenile salmon, known as smolts.

Last year we had some bad runs but this run is 10 million short.

Salmon need two things to get killed before they return.

1. No food.
2. They become food.

Apparently their was lots of food.

So the question is who ate all the retuning salmon?

The Japanese?
The Chinese?
The Koreans?

Or Killer Wales? lol

Or is thier some crazy mystery that is killing off the fish?

No matter... a LARGE part of my diet is Salmon so this is personal to me.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:49 PM

you said that there have been other years where there are less salmon who return to spawn. was there ever known reason for past shortages?

you mention several eastern countries as potential culprits in this matter, is there a precedent for that?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

I believe nutrients from salmon can be found in trees found far from the rivers . Salmon carcasses are taken into the forests by beers eagles etc , providing an invaluable source of nutrition feeding soils and plant life as they decay.

We are tipping quite a few dominoes which thread our ecosystems together.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:15 PM
I have heard rumors of off shore fishing of young sea run Salmon but that is it. No proof.

But we have no proof of a bad disease either.

Or Orca'!

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