posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:25 AM
Peterson field guides has several books of this type. I've purchased a Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants and Herbs book from them.
Tried to find a book like that at books-a-million, but all they had were flowers/trees, and not the medicinal herb book. Finally found a copy at a
health food store in its literature section.
Anyways, the book tells how to identify the plant by its flower, so if you don't get the chance to identify plants in the spring/summer, it will be
less handy the rest of the year. However, it has the traditional ailments each plant was used for and which part (root/leaves/poltice etc) of the
plant is of interest.
And yeah it has pictures of nearly every single plant, and specific scientific identifiers.
Crested wood fern Root
Ladderlike, blue-green fern. Leaves 30in long, to 5 in wide (widest above the middle). etc etc.
Uses: Root tea traditionally used to induce sweating, clear chest congestion, expel intestional worms.
Handy book, if for no other reason than to be better aware of the plants around you.
Or, pretty much what dainoyfb said.