posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 08:54 PM
Here is an experiment for you to try. Please record your success and any interesting findings here.
Make a list of things you wish to know from your future self. Lets keep it short to begin with.
1. World Event.
2. Natural Disaster.
3. What Stock to buy.
4. Danger.
Let us all use this same list for the experiment. Now find a place where you can clear your mind and relax. Also pick something to use as a focus such
as a color circle, song, picture of someone. This focus will help tune your thoughts from and two the correct future and past you. Never use this
focus again unless you want to channel to the you on that specific day.
Write down the date on your list. As you clear your mind write down anything that comes to mind. Try to tune to your own thoughts and inner voice
while keeping your focus point in mind. Compare your thoughts to your list and see if anything matches. Pay attention for the next 7 days and see if
anything you saw in your experiment was connected to your list. When done come back here and let us know. All, some or none of us may have successful
Also after those 7 days do this same thing, but attempt to channel answers from the real happenings over the last 7 days to your past self, again
using the same focus.
The focus is used to help filter out additional thoughts from past or future attempts at doing this.
I will start tomorrow sometime and report back next week if others are interested. I hope some of us can do it. If we have luck perhaps we can try
other things like group focus strengthen the signal (if any). We wont know unless we try!
[edit on 12-8-2009 by Xeven]