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No Wonder The People Are Getting Mad

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:25 PM
It is the flippant behavior like this that has fueled the fire in the American spirit. We see it in our elected officials and we see it every day with Glib Gibbs' daily pressers.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee talks on the phone as a woman asks a question at a town hall event

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:41 PM
Well, see here's the thing, these people genuinely don't care. They literally could not care less. Did you see the article making the rounds on yahoo about how people who don't want the public option don't represent the whole of the American public?

This is really getting sad now, I mean at least feign concern or something...

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Maybe she was making sure the Chinese restaurant didn't add MSG to her pork fried rice and gave her extra hot mustard packets?

Seriously that's BS and that video needs to get around so that lady never again gets voted into office, ever. The bum needs to be thrown out.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:55 PM
Why would they lower themselves to feign concern? The politicians in this country think they rule us!
It's just that in their minds we are incapable of running our own lives. Obama may have been a good campaigner, but the election is over and now is the time to be the president. How dare the peasants question what we are doing! Really the arrogance of this administration is amazing.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:57 AM
i really think this thread should have gotten more attention.

star flag and bump.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 12:09 PM
What is sad is that american people have been so hardened to just doing their job, that they ignore how their actions affect others lives. It seems that they would like us to get angry. But the people speaking in the town hall meetings sadly are spokes people for the ones that are behind it. Americans are pissed and the government is well aware of it.....they were counting on it. Stirring the pot again, beating the drums of war except this time on it's own citizens. This is exactly why you should not ever trust the government, you should fear it!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I can see where this one is going to go...

She is made a post about it. You are a member of the KKK, Birther-retard, inbred, Neo_Con hate crowd obviously. I mean come on she had a really important phone call. Why are you people always looking for ways to find fault with our Superiors? Take what they say as gospel question nothing. Accept it. SUBMIT.

Oh, it is all Bush's fault.

Even on this site you begin to see the same sort of anger that is happening at the town hall circuses. Partisan lines are drawn and Ignorance is prevailing. Instead of discussing issues it more often than not falls to name calling, or trying to bait others into get emotional then expressing it.

What happened in this video is a prime example of where this country is. The country is lost. May as well accept it.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Doom and Gloom
I can see where this one is going to go...

She is made a post about it. You are a member of the KKK, Birther-retard, inbred, Neo_Con hate crowd obviously. I mean come on she had a really important phone call. Why are you people always looking for ways to find fault with our Superiors? Take what they say as gospel question nothing. Accept it. SUBMIT.

Oh, it is all Bush's fault.

Even on this site you begin to see the same sort of anger that is happening at the town hall circuses. Partisan lines are drawn and Ignorance is prevailing. Instead of discussing issues it more often than not falls to name calling, or trying to bait others into get emotional then expressing it.

What happened in this video is a prime example of where this country is. The country is lost. May as well accept it.

I accept nothing.

Actually, partisan lines are beginning to blur as more and more people from both sides become equally disenfranchised by the government and its representatives. People are finally realizing that they have been underrepresented by their elected officials for years. The mindset of Politicians first, constituents last has gone on for long enough. This is an awakening for many who thought Obama would lead them down the primrose path. Obama's plummeting poll numbers speak volumes as to the current mindset of the nation. False flag operation soon to follow in order to boost his rating.

The only way to solve these problems, aside from ousting the career politicians, is to hold a national referendum on critical issues such as Healthcare reform, Cap and Trade etc.

The days of spoon feeding legislation down our throats has to end now. Our elected officials are clearly not capable of voicing the concerns of their constituents. The lobbyists have more impact than any of us ever will. That has to end. The current laws governing lobbying activity need to be abolished forever.

Rep. Jackson, as seen in the video, was standing no more than 8 ft away from the woman at the microphone. The concerned citizen had the floor and was speaking about her personal experience with cancer and her insurance. Jackson barely even threw a glance in her direction.

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