posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:02 PM
If your nation is on the brink of massive social and civil unrest, with a flu virus likely to spread exponentially in a couple of months, the monetary
system in free-fall, Russia resurging as a global power (need I go on?) it seems logical that they would need hundreds of thousands more employees on
the ground in the US to deal with these issues.
That is what I believe this is for.
I have never seen an advertisement like this, across so many networks of information dissemination, even in times of war.
Where were these ads while the coalition have been dealing with thousands of enemy combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan?
There are many people in detention by coalition forces, and likely have been more at the height of the conflicts, and yet this kind of recruitment
drive wasn't needed then.
The way this recruitment is being offered (just as employment is hard to come by) suggests that the need for such military presence is EXPECTED to
significantly increase in the next twelve months.
Ultimately, it all points to the American Govt. expecting massive civil unrest in the USA.
That could be down to the complete collapse of the financial system, the impact of the Swine Flu virus, an attack by an outside force, or the control
of right-wing groups said to be militarising in the US in opposition to Obama.
Personally, I think it's "all of the above". Some aspects are blatantly known, and the justification for the rise in troop numbers in the US in
preparation for a false-flag event can be found in the Flu virus and economic instability.
In a couple of months they will already have the justification to put up road blocks, open up detention facilities, and begin aggressively controlling
the public. And they'll likely have permission from worried citizens.
It's what happens amongst all that chaos (perpetuated by the shadow Govt. or a Black Ops group) that should be more of a worry.
The Govt. doesn't need to know that there'll be another false-flag attack to be persuaded into this militarisation of America, the reasons are
already likely to be there, it's how that is taken advantage of by darker groups in power that is the real concern.