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Upside Down Rainbow over Sussex

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:28 AM
Apparently there is an upside down rainbow in the skies over Sussex right now.

Rather than being caused by raindrops, it is the result of freak atmospheric conditions rarely seen outside the North and South Poles.

While normal rainbows are formed when light penetrates raindrops and emerges on the other side without changing direction, the smile is formed when sunlight shines through millions of tiny ice crystals in cirrus and cirrus stratus clouds.

Read more:

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:31 AM
now thats cool lol...

never seen one like that in my

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by MastaG
Apparently there is an upside down rainbow in the skies over Sussex right now.

Rather than being caused by raindrops, it is the result of freak atmospheric conditions rarely seen outside the North and South Poles.

While normal rainbows are formed when light penetrates raindrops and emerges on the other side without changing direction, the smile is formed when sunlight shines through millions of tiny ice crystals in cirrus and cirrus stratus clouds.

Read more:


I have seen a completely round rainbow, also as the result of freak atmospheric conditions.

Mother nature keeps us amused

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:54 AM
Isnt that an chem-bow ??
Just saying, I could be wrong, it does happen I have wrong !

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by MastaG

To be sang....

"Somewhere, under the rainbow, sheep do walk. They see news as an answer but they're wrong.
Somewhere under the rainbow.."

Im really needing to get out more.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:07 AM
Here's a photo of an upside down rainbow spotted last year over Cambridge.


and a link to a thread I started - nobody was too interested!

I think they look wonderful, thanks for posting.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:43 AM
Thats not a rainbow at all

What we have here is a type of infrequent halo, caused by the refraction of ice crystals in a semi transparent layer of cirrostratus cloud.

This one is known as a supralaterel arc

Whoever took the photos were extremely lucky to get this.....they very rarely occur (literally once in a lifetime)!!!!

S & F

[edit on 12/8/2009 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:21 AM
Wow.. i would have loved to been there to get a shot of that myself

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by meatballxl5

That's an excellent shot

Never seen one myself let alone been able to photograph it.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
Isnt that an chem-bow ??
Just saying, I could be wrong, it does happen I have wrong !

I'm glad you posted your comment ChemBreather because even though I read the explanation in the article and the supporting comments in this thread, I too, think its a result of the chemtrails laid across the skies and not atmospheric phenomena.

I've seen them before. We will see them again if we keep watch.

As you said, and I agree, I could be wrong.

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