posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by St Vaast
Yes, but fire and electricity can not be monitored for certain words that make you a target for observation. I am not sure if the government regulates
the filters that looks for certain words, or whether it is the internet providers that do, but there are key words that are monitored for, if those
words turn up red flags go out and they monitor the users activity entirely to see if there is need for further action to be taken.
The WEB, in my opinion is a great place; it has allowed the government to find many more pedophiles than they would have if we did not have it. It
allows them to track people with dangerous intentions, for instance if the same IP keeps returning to the same or similar weapons sites, there is a
red flag that goes up, yes they don’t get them all, but you would be surprised at the number they do get.
There is the possibility there are more criminal types because of the WEB, because the ease that the information is available, but I believe there is
more, good than bad that has come from the WEB. As long as you do not perform any illegal activities or atrocities on the web, you should have no
worries over using it.
To the OP , don’t worry so much about what you are posting, if it something you believe to be important and on topic but not already posted in your
thread and not pornography or profanity just post, if for some reason the MOD’s find reason to remove the post or alert you in some way, they will
make it known.
[edit on 8/13/2009 by AlienCarnage]