posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:15 PM
Celts were indo-european people. As where the greeks and romans and virtually everyone that settled in europe.
The finnish seem to be descendent from the people that came to europe before the indo-europeans.
Basque is the only pre-indo-european language remaining in western europe.
Origins for basque are obscure as no one can agree if it is descended from the iberians that live there before the celts arrived or if it was
introduced at a later date by other invaders.
Celts where not always a minority, in fact up to circa 350bc most of europe was celt, with various celtic peoples all the way from iberian peninsula
and british islands all the way to present day romania.
Anyway, both groups, the indigenous pre-indo-european and indo-europeans are obviously alien to europe as we all came from outside europe anyway.
Germanics and celts are both of different stock, but again, both of them are of indo-european origin, with a lot of mixing up due to other invasions
by nomadic people.
Anyway, in every contry in europe you can find at one stage or another various influences. Take the case of the iberian peninsula, where you start
with the various iberian tribes who were conquered by the celts, and meanwhile you have phoenician and greek influences mixed in. With the conquest by
rome, you then get influences by all the peoples of the empire (kinda like a ancient age EU), empire falls, you then have the visigoths and the
sweboz, then you have the arabic invasion and the subsequent influence by northern europeans when they came to reconquer the place. And to a bigger or
lesser extent that's the history of the rest of europe as well. One invasion after another.
Basically there are no pure europeans, or none can claim to be more european or less european. We are all a big melting pot.