posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Hello! This is an e-mail I sent to someone who was telling me about the New World Order. I want to post it here, because these are my thoughts and I
think they are worth sharing:
While I am not quite willing to say anything for or against the existence of a "new world order", I will say that something in the world, in our
society, is not quite....... right. What it is, I am not sure. Large companies, governments... There is something in their actions and talk, in "The
System", that seems to be a bit... illogical.
I want to know why: Why is our food allowed to be genetically modified, and we not know of it? How come the Swine Flu vaccine is being pushed, every
country buying supply.... when the death rate of the virus is not yet known, the effectiveness and health risks of the vaccine not yet proven? How
come GM was allowed to squash the electric car? Why on EARTH was GM allowed, or much less wanted to sell it's majority share in the company that made
their electric car batteries, the batteries that made electric cars economical, to an OIL COMPANY???
Continuing on: Why did that recent study say that Organic food is equal in nutrition to non-organic food, so you have no benefits for eating
Organic..... when in fact that never has been the reason to buy and eat "organic"? I sincerely wonder how many people who never really quite knew
what *organic* meant, now think "Hey - there is no reason to buy organic"!
Anyhow. I don't know why, and for that will not say "New World Order", but I am certainly starting to think there is something a little *wrong*
with those who support and make our society what it is, be it monetarily, morally, socially, or product-wise. To what ends, I am not sure, but either
way, I do not think it will not end nicely.
Until people have a reason to care, until they open their eyes and start looking into the impact of everything they do or decide, nothing will
happen; their *power* shall belong to those to which people's money goes - the corporations and higher-ups.
And I mean, not being religious, I find it hard to think of another person or group of people as "evil" - That is too simple an explanation. I
simply do not know what *their* motivation is. And for that, I cannot say there is a "New World Order". But.... I want to think everyone started out
with good intentions, but over time they have changed to be a search for power, or wealth; a quest of greed or desire, whatever. Something. And that
"Something" is what I find to be illogical. Urm.... I don't really know what it is to put my finger upon it, but there are things in life that just
DON'T MAKE SENSE, in the long run, and for everyone!! The way "The System" is set up, and the *problems* in it, appear to me, to be oriented for
gaining power or for the sake of money, and not for the Greater Good or our continued survival as a specie... As mentioned above.
Now that I have started thinking, "Huh, I wonder", I am becoming increasingly skeptical and concerned of where we, as a society, are heading.
Any action that I take has to start with me, and maybe someone else shall also "wake up", and wake someone else up, too. But until a critical mass
is reached, I don't really think much shall change.
Being where I am, in the down-town of the city, I feel like I am on my own. I have (or will be putting in in the fall/spring) a mini-farm; I want to
raise rabbits for meat, grow my own food, not be dependent upon oil... and prepare for a situation in which the trough I have been feeding out of for
so long runs... empty, or at the very least, scarce.
Depending upon the person who I tell this too, I get a strange look, assurances that I am *independent*, or just plain crazy. Very few have said, oh
wow, you're right. Or even, "that is a good idea!".
Come on, people- WAKE UP!!
Anyhow, just wanted to say that. Not too sure how much sense I make, but I hope you know what I mean.... something just seems.... not wrong, but
certainly not right.
[edit on 10-8-2009 by Cariaddi]