I have a question, were you smoking a cigarette when you took this picture? If so you could have caught the smoke in a glare. It could be a number of
other things, but lets start with the basics
Before we indulge on what this could be, it may be a smudge on your camera- a fingerprint or something like that, or the camera malfunctioning.
Whatever it is, its cool- although, I couldn't really see how it could be like a spirit because I've never know or seen them in this form....
Did you touch the lens as stated above by summer? You could have caught a glare from the sun and water combined. That does happen a lot around water.
I've seen that happen A LOT, its not uncommon. Especially around the snow environments, which is not your case, but it often happens their as well. I
would say its not a spirit, but glare that turned out very nicely
I do not know what it is...none of the other photos had anything on them...took several around that time period on sat nite...nothing appears
anywhere, and the next picture around 630 am sunday has nothing but the water and ducks i took a photo of.
Just looks like something too close to the lense to me, a bug, hair, I don't know but I wouldn't automatically jump to conclusions and assume it's
something paranormal.
Why are you worried about giving the spot up? Spirits don't bother or hurt people. No one has ever died from a ghost. Don't fear them, negtive
emotions and feelings only bring negative results.
Its cool none the less though, I would get that picture framed..lol.. Seriously, it would make a nice conversation piece.
right on....it is more interesting than the ducks and the vultures I photographed... I am glad it is nothing...the very idea of spirits makes me
nervous. Thanks for the input.
Looks like it could be long hair, a camera strap, or something else. If you're not using an SLR camera, you don't know what's hanging in front of
your lens or flash when you're taking the photo.
The usual explanation put forward by photographic experts when viewing this type of anomoly is that the camera strap has slightly dropped in front of
the lens. Your anomoly is in the right place for this if you consider that most cameras have the strap attached to the right hand side of the camera,
and most people who take pictures simply have the strap drapped over the back of their hand or hold it with their fingers.