My name is Corey and I'm a gay, white male. I've had the same lover (monogamous) for almost 10 years. I'm glad to find a place where I can express
my opinions (and I have a few!) and not be judged.
Welcome aboard, Corey! You'll find that several of us here have gay/lesbian family members -- 10 years is a pretty impressive amount of time to be
with someone!
Hi Corey! Welcome aboard! And Byrd is right, 10 years is an impressive amount of time to be with someone. Why, I dont think I've even been with
anyone in 10 years! Enjoy your time here!
Thanx to everyone who welcomed me! I really look forward to the discussions and debates in the forums. My partner is a little more politically "in
the know" than I am- this is sort of my way of keeping up with things!
Thanx again!
LMAO! I'm from Alabama (originally from Nebraska- nope; we're not allowed to marry each other (I actually think it's better that way- I don't want
to have to give up 1/2 of my stuff if we split up)!
Hi Corey and welcome to ATS...congratulations on injesting the red pill and now we will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes *evil grin*.
Seriously will probably be both challenged AND judged, but there are so many members here that that just can't help but happen. But I've
no doubt you'll hold your own and the moderators are the best bunch I've seen on the internet. Fairness is the buzzword here. Fairness and
Enjoy yourself. ATS is the best.
Edited to avoid misunderstanding: When I said 'Judged' I meant judged as in your opinions and stance on issues and whatnot, I wasn't speaking of
being judging on your sexual preferences.