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51 U.S. Troops in Iraq Diagnosed With Swine Flu

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posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 01:25 PM

BAGHDAD — Fifty-one American troops in Iraq have been diagnosed with and treated for swine flu, while another 71 soldiers remain in isolation suspected of contracting the potentially deadly virus, the U.S. military said Sunday.

The figures were released as Iraqi health officials confirmed Sunday the country's first swine flu death.

A woman in the southern holy Shiite city of Najaf died of the disease, raising fears about a possible outbreak among worshippers making pilgrimages to the revered sites.

All the 51 U.S. troops diagnosed with the flu have fully recovered, while the 71 suspect cases are in isolation, said Col. Michael D. Eisenhauer, the chief of clinical operations in Iraq.

"All personnel are screened for signs and symptoms of influenza prior to entering Iraq, in an effort to limit the spread of the H1N1 virus to this region," Eisenhauer told The Associated Press in an e-mail.

He said those who later develop a fever, sore throat or cough are tested, and put into isolation if suspected of swine flu.

It was not immediately known whether the diagnosed and suspected cases were confined to a single U.S. base, or whether they were spread across Iraq.

Full Article:

I wonder: how exactly do troops contract swine flu? I mean, unless they are touching the Iraqi people with their bare hands, shouldn't they be rather isolated? Maybe I'm just confused, lol.
Anyway, you can bet troops will probably be the first to have the Swine Flu Vaccines.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:18 PM
I already know which unit and everything, I was tracking this story before it made the news. Basically, soldiers contracted the illness most likely while they were on leave stateside, then returned before showing any signs. When you return, (or initially enter theater) you will be in Kuwait for a short period of time before returning to Iraq. While in Kuwait you will come into contact with many other soldiers coming and going from Iraq. Think of it as an airport, like in the movie Outbreak. An international hub.

Then, after exposure to several other troops, in the dining facility, MWR, or where ever, return to Iraq, possibly with the disease, then live in close quarters with other troops, and it spreads quickly. It was already determined about a month ago that there were 18 cases in Kuwait, so we all knew it was only a short period of time before it would show in Iraq.

And yes, we probably will be the first to get the vaccine, (not this guy though, already had an adverse reaction to the anthrax on shot #5 out of 6) The good news is, however, about the vaccination, not only are a lot of soldiers understanding the dangers of the vaccination, a lot of medics are as well. And many of us have already made the decision not to take it, NOR will we forcibly make any American take it, as was stated on FOX NEWS on 29 July, in coordination with FEMA and NORTHCOM. I first heard about the outbreak of what was thought to be typhoid about a month ago, here in Baghdad, but later it was reconsidered, and assumed to be the dreaded infamous H1N1.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:23 PM
this swine flu pandemic has been created in the most secret bio labs of Russia and has been created and calculatedly planned to be let free in mexico just for the springbreak for thousends of american and european tourists in mexico in March&April 2009 from where it started spreading to North America, South Americ and Europe as planned. There are practically no cases in Russia and surrounding countries, there is no spread of the virus there at all and which is the most wierd of all is that there is even no import of sick people to Russia and all those surrounding countries which we call para-Russia, lol. China cases is lil bit different but at the end is the same case too bcz there is very few cases imported by western travelers and as we know all they have been isolated and quarantined by chinese gov. So from 1.3 billion which is the chinese populationo right now there are almost no cases( just maybe a thousand of cases of swine flu) which is nothing compared to 1.3 billion.
I dont like watching the whole western world succumbing under the constantly increasing number of swine flu deaths in more and more western-world countries while those barbarian bastards in Moscow and their surrounding allies are laughing at the west and telling to their citizens that Russia is "chosen by God to survive all apocalyptic disasters of
the world and then later dominate the remainder of the world together with the chinese slave workhorses.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by gatorboi117

Anyway, you can bet troops will probably be the first to have the Swine Flu Vaccines.

OK well, it's funny. I just talked to our medic after posting, when i went out for a cigarette, and talked to him about this. (He is already aware of the vaccination, and about Baxter) and he told me, that they already have the (untested) swine flu vaccination at our aid station. Not surprised. They DID say that they were going to test it before releasing it to the civilian populous, should have realized that they meant that it would have been tested on US troops first.
In any case, as I said before. MANY of us will refuse it.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:42 PM
i am stationed in ramstein germany and we have a few swine flu cases here in the army hospital...


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