This whole subject makes me uneasy, for some time now I have felt that the UK is broken. The MPs have forgotten that they are the servants of the
people to the extreme, where now we are almost living in a totalitarian state.
For starters Britain is now being watched by a staggering 4.2million CCTV cameras - one for every 14 people and a fifth of the cameras in the entire
world. ! fifth of the entire worlds cameras for 1% of the population, man we ARE a bad bunch.
As of 2008 Labour has brought into law 3,600 new offenses that can end you up in court from the crazy "it's illegal to disturb a pack of eggs when
instructed not to by an authorised officer" to being Tried without a jury.
More and more Brits are happy with the new terror laws as they are there for our own safety, yet time and time again we hear that local councils are
using said laws to check people bins (garbage), check validity of claims when trying to get your kids into certain schools etc.
Now they want to bring in ID cards, the government site regarding the cards are quite happy to tell you that "Each identity card will be unique, and
will combine the cardholder’s biometric data with their checked and confirmed identity details" this site also explains "The cards will be linked
to their owners by unique biometric information (for example, fingerprints)". So without even committing a crime the government will get your prints
and hold them.
Question, does anyone know what a "biographical footprint" is?
The cards will also be fitted with RFID chips!!!! OMG, if you don't know what an RFID chip is, google it and see how easy it is to get details off a
Here is a sample of the new ID card top left hand side is the
RFID sign.
As more and more laws and constraints are brought in it will be harder for the UK citizen to live their everyday life. All travelers departing the UK
will have their trip recorded on a database. Passengers leaving from every sea port, station or airport will have to give detailed personal
information. Once again citing terror laws
Now the scary part, with tighter and tighter control measures being put in place, what would happen if the WRONG party got elected??? Lets take a look
at the BNP, old Nick Griffin reportedly said at one of his meetings "He said: (regarding it's against the law to allow ethnic minorities in to the
party) "Since if we want to survive we will be forced to let them in, the key will be before we do so to change the party - to ensure that whoever's
coming in doesn't have any control." Now I have NO PROOF that he said this, as this report came from the "news of the world" (ahem, ye I know),
all I'm saying is, if a right wing party got into power then they have the ideal platform to rule OVER the people.
Rant over......