posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 05:25 PM
i miss the taste of steak too, damnit!
no really though, i havent eaten it in about 2 years and i could really go for some right now.
yeah the world is a big enormous mess of trash and bullcrap but ... most people have been feeding right into all of it all along. no one questions
anything. no one fights for what they believe in.
its just the same thing everyday... life goes on... and nothing changes.
unless you take a step to do something about it.
which i can honestly say, i have. im living a "simple" life. as simply as one can. i have as little as i can while still being able to survive! i
got rid of most of my possessions years ago because i wanted to be able to move around freely without a bunch of baggage. i stopped caring about
fashion and how my hair looks, and just walk out the door in whatever the heck i feel like wearing. i dont drive or own a car. i walk or ride a bike.
i dont argue with people, i give them the satisfaction of winning their point and i compliment people on a daily basis to make them smile.
we can all make random differences in our daily lives to change this world which we all complain about... theres no point complaining if you arent
willing to do something about it
[edit on 8-8-2009 by calihan_12]