posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:28 PM
Ok, about a month ago I decided to upgrade to internet Explorer 8 on my windows 7 installation.
and only required, of course:shk:, a reboot.
I determined myself to only use I.E. for the next month for any and all internet uses.
And so the fun began.....
I subscribe to coast two coast.
I was having constant issues with not being able to log into the website to download the shows.
I even went so far as to disable my kasperski internet security to prove it was doing nothing to block it. Still the same result.
Now on ATS, for some reason, it will not show the Private chat box for the cha-troom.:bnghd:
The list goes on and on this way.......
I am back to my Safari 4 and SSOOO much happier.
I will remember all those issues as I smile and don't use IE again.
Another minor note, in my task manager, I notices there was two instance for every ie window open.
Take from that what you will.
And now, the ATS Dancers: