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Where's the First ammendmant gone?

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posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:47 PM
I'm sure all of you have seen the recent "Joker" poster of Obama with the word printed in bold "Socialist'.

My question, why is it such a horrible poster?

Throughout the Centuries of our countries presidents, I don't think there's ever been one that hasn't been criticized by someone in the same manner.

I posted mine up on facebook, and many of my Obama-tron friends began lashing me with their opinions about the poster. Isn't that all I'm doing to Obama? Expressing my opinion. Why am I suddenly "Un-American" or "Racist" even. Yeah that bull-crap race card was played on me too.

It makes me sad that so many Americans have lost site and understanding to the constitution.

Here's the poster for anyone who hasn't seen it.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 11:01 PM
We weren't racists for the first six months, but now that we have a problem with totalitarianism, I guess we just developed some racism out of no where. Get over yourselves.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:00 AM
The night Mr. O was elected, opposing independent candidate Ralph Nater was interviewed (I don't recall by which news station). They asked good ol Ralph how he predicts Mr. O would do as president and in fullfilling all the campaign promises he had made. Ralph Nater gave them an answer that I will never forget for as long as I live and it should be a question every American ask all future presidents.

Ralph said,"It's quite simple either Mr. O will be Uncle Sam for the people or Uncle Tom for the corporations"

The news broadcasters immediately lashed out at Ralph as if he just performed a public lynching, calling him all sorts of names; a racist, and a sore loser. How dare he slanderize Mr. O in such a way.

I saw nothing racist or slanderizing in the statement but saw it as a way to rate Mr. O's performance in the days that followed and we all know how things have gone from there. Change you can believe.....Remember.
Remember? Fix the economy, transparency, stop the war, and whatever one of his speeches you that helped capture the love of the masses.

I also remember watching South Park that same night and it depicted Mr.O the misses and his Rep. opponents as a band of thieves who both ran for president for the only reason being to get access to the tunnels of the white house that lead underneath a diamond they were hell bent to steal.

Racist comment? Slanderous cartoon?

I say a damn good statement and a good laugh. We all know how things have gone since because

Change Is Here



Howling At The Moon,
Chaotic Wolf (War Party Entertainment)

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by chaoticwolf88

Speaking of south park I wonder if they'll do a show on the Obama Joker poster. I think it'd be quite amusing.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:16 AM
I fail to understand what is racist about the Obama-Joker Poster. However it is inaccurate because the joker is an anarchist which is nothing like socialist philosophy. Honestly, I think people who try to insert racism into something that is clearly not racist at all shows that they are probably racist to some degree themselves or at least just intellectually lazy. If this is what America is coming to, where any criticism of the Obamessiah is considered racist, than I think I'm about done with this country. I am not racist at all and don't understand the benefit of being racist. That being said, I also hate what Obama and the democrats are doing to our country. And it is socialist and totalitarian, but I guess to the Obama drones that makes me a racist.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Mattehinthebox

It's not a horrible poster. Maybe it's not the correct way to present Obama. I don't understand the symbolism. But, this is the American way. If I can see posters of GWB with a Hitler moustache on his lip, if I can go back in the way way back machine and see posters of Reagan shooting cowboy guns, and everything in between, then, no. Nothing wrong with this poster. It's an expression of somebody's ideas. You know, first amendment and all that. I think that Obama is an ass. GWB was the spawn of Satan, through a trist between Cheney and GHWB, an unholy creation of an unholy demonic homosexual joining. The Bush twins are actually spawn of the devil. Chelsey Clinton is half horse. The Nixon girls are ugly. The Byrd girls were FDR's love children. It doesn't matter. I can portray them all as I see fit. I can paint any picture I want. The First Amendment says I can express my opinions. These are public people and I can portray them anyway I want to. It's the American way. I just can't damage a private citizen with untruthsl But my opinion of things and people is just that, an opinion. If you can't handle the heat, then get out of the kitchen.

Lord have mercy! A poster of Obama as a sock monkey is racist. A poster of Bush as a chimp is okay and indicative of his intellgience.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:37 AM
In answer to your question;
down the tubes with the rest of the country. IMO
The greed and paranoia run rampant of course.

Same-o, same-o, in the land of the greed, home of the 'fraid.
Or maybe its "frayed". Take your pick.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Mattehinthebox

You ask where the First amendment is gone ?

Why it is right here !

Free Speech Zones

Didn't you get the memo ?

Also if you live within 100 miles of a US border the constitution is
null and void, and expect to see that spread a bit more.

The 100 mile wide Constitution Free Zone - I am Mc Lovin' it !

Pastor beaten, Tazed, and insulted for asserting 4th amendment rights near border

So pucker up butter cup, The bill of rights are being eroded faster
than houses in a California mudslide.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I all of a sudden feel like we are sheep in a cage, cordoned off, tagged,
sheared, skinned, ripped off and left for dead while the cage gets a little smaller every day....

No, not in a pen, but a cage. A pen would be too civilized.
Let alone to ever have our pasture back the way it was.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Mattehinthebox
I posted mine up on facebook, and many of my Obama-tron friends began lashing me with their opinions about the poster. Isn't that all I'm doing to Obama? Expressing my opinion. Why am I suddenly "Un-American" or "Racist" even. Yeah that bull-crap race card was played on me too.

It makes me sad that so many Americans have lost site and understanding to the constitution.

Your statement is hypocritical. Although I agree with your right to express your opinion about the government or a president, but people also have the right to express their opinion about your opinion. Most people forget that part. They have the right to say "pretty much" whatever they want, but I or anyone else has the right to agree or even tell them their remarks are stupid, racist, prejudiced, etc.

Freedom of speech flows both ways.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by tommy_boy]

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