posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 01:47 PM
Unfortunately, the TinWiki is in an "unrecoverable" state, sitting on a damaged server, with damaged data in the database, on an old-format database
not compatible with any of our current servers.
The site had been sitting on our oldest server, and a combination of corrupt entries in the database, bad sectors on the system hard drive, and
version 3.x MySQL database was a 1-2-3 knockout punch. About three weeks ago, I spent several agonizing days trying to find a way to recover and
convert the database without loss of data... no success.
Last night, the server failed hard and for good.
However, we do have a plan to restore most (if not all) of the TinWiki articles, and update the core technology to be more compatible with ATS.
All but the damaged articles (9) have been saved in HTML files, and we're working on methods to get the content into a dedicated ATS forum that will
eventually have Wiki-like functionality, but be integrated with the ATS member database, and just as resistant to SPAM as the ATS board.
Stay tuned, more coming soon.