posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Ya know, I hadn't posted because I couldn't remember anything that happened to me in early childhood that was all that significant, but I just
remembered something very strange that happened when I was about seven. My bedroom was at the very end of a hallway and the bathroom was at the
beginning of the hallway, so I when I would have to get up during the night to go to the bathroom, I would have to walk down that hallway in the
dark... or with just what light was coming out of my bedroom to light the way. At the end of the hallway was the living room and there was a recliner
sitting there. I remember on at least two separate occasions that I walked down the hallway at night to go to the bathroom and there would be what I
called "
George Washington" sitting in the chair... I would only see the back of the head... it would be white hair with a braid and it looked like one those
powdered wigs that men used to wear during colonial times. It never did move... just sat there in the recliner with it's back to me. Even at seven
years old, I knew there was no reason for the ghost of George Washington or anybody that looked like him to be in my house. I live in the middle of
Kentucky, LOL! It's mostly a rural area and always has been so I seriously doubt that anyone like that ever lived anywhere nearby. So anyway, I
never did say anything about it because I figured people would think I was nuts. Years passed and I had pretty much forgotten it, when my sister told
me that she used to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and saw "George Washington" sitting in that recliner in the living room,
lol! So, I have no idea what some George Washington looking guy was doing in my house! In the same house, I was around the same age and in my
bedroom one night, and my little brothers crib was across the room from me. I was sitting up in bed talking to him and saw a black, shiny alligator
looking thing appear under his crib, throw it's head back and then disappear... scared the hell out of me!
Another thing I can remember, but I'm not really sure about is seeing my father after he passed away. I was only 4 when he died of cancer, but I can
remember going into stores and seeing him talking to people and I would tell the person I was with that my daddy was over there, but they would tell
me that no, he's "gone to heaven" and he can't be. So, I don't know if I only saw someone that LOOKED like him or if I was actually seeing his
Just one other thing that comes to mind is that once, my grandmother was holding me when I was about three and I very clearly saw a little dog run
across the floor and disappear. My grandmother never had dogs in the house.