posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:50 PM
I worked in a bank. They had an absolute policy - hand over any money, with or without seeing a weapon. This was not an *option*, it was
The amount of money in a teller's till is minimal, a few thousands at the very most - usually much less. If the bank lost it completely, it
wouldn't even notice. They'd write it off at the end of the year, along with the old computers and other stuff.
The important thing is that you have absolutely no idea what your bank robber is going to do. Sure, he could be faking, not even have a gun. But he
could also have an uzi on him and start to shoot up the place, killing everyone in sight. He could be working with partners who are covering him,
ready to take out the guards (if present) and other. You could easily create a hostage situation. I have no problem with someone risking his own
life, but to endanger the other tellers and the customers is unacceptable.
This guy no doubt had been told of the policy. There is a reason for it. It is much better to lose a few thousand dollars and to let the crook
escape, than to risk even a single person getting shot. One bullet hole costs more than what the robber could get from the bank.
Besides this, now the robber could (theoretically) have a claim against the bank. I could see where he could claim that the teller, not being trained
in properly restraining people, caused needless injuries that the police wouldn't have caused. Sure it's a crock, but that's what makes our legal
system great.
Or, had this gone even worse - had the robber whipped out a gun and started shooting - the bank would probably legitimately be on the hook for
injuries, since someone acting for the bank (the teller, even if he was violating policy) caused the situation that led to the injuries.
BTW, in the bank I worked at, we had a hero teller, too. He chased after the robber. He's dead, though - shot by the robber as he fled. Guess he
had a gun after all.
No, this teller's thinking was clouded by testosterone. He was completely out of line, and needed to be taken out of job where he could endanger so
many people. Let him join the police and get proper training, if he wants to be a hero.
Oh, and another thing. A teller makes just about nothing. It's a real crappy job, so this guy isn't losing much after all.