Iv'e always seen a strange glittering light in the northeastern night-horizon, for as long as I remember anyways.
It looks like a white light in the center, and green/red/blue lights glittering around it.
I thought it was a geostationary satellite, but not after this:
Three days ago I noticed there was another one in the northwest. I watched the brighter one (NE) for about an hour or so, when I noticed that the red
flashes became bigger, and then what appeared to be a golden meteorite shot away from it at roughly 45° down. I got really tired right about then,
and just fell asleep.
I wanted to verify what it was, so I got some good binos, but it rained here until tonight.
With the extra magnification I can make out
six lights! Three in the NE, two NW, and one NNW, up high. That one was moving erratically. Unlike
any satellite/planet/aircraft/weatherballon/swampgas I've ever seen... Was moving towards a star, then stopped. Immediately reversed its course, and
back again.
My camera is recharging (go figure), but the lights are too far away for my lens anyway...
I'll continue monitoring the night sky, and try to find a decent lens soon!
Once I manage to capture some nice pics, I'll post them (provided they're still around by then)
Has anyone here ever seen anything like this? What could they be?
Edit: It's getting late now, (01:30am) so good night folks!
[edit on 2009.8.5 by Carlthulhu]