posted on May, 11 2004 @ 11:57 AM
Everything about them is debateable. Beginning with do they exist or not.
Those that believe they don't, end debate there.
But those that believe they do exist debate beyond that. Things like, where do they come from, what are they, how do they get here, and most
importantly, how do they seem so intelligent?
Seeing one (and having it throw me down a flight of stairs) makes me a believer. I am also one who believes that they are from another dimention. A
different reality as it is. How they get here, I dunno. Time/space rip??
SOme believe they are the manifestation of demons, some believe they are related in some way to greys.
But no matter what one believes, I think everyone needs to keep an open mind, as they seem to be coming to our reality more and more often the past
ten years.