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Disinfo Agents, Self Moderated Threads - New Forum Ideas - Question to the Mods

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posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by videoworldwide
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Why put limitations on our experiences?

My sentiments exactly.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by videoworldwide

I've read through the entirety of this thread and that seems the basic overall "gist" of what you're suggesting or asking for - the ability to censor, dispose of ban or action those whom You feel are "out of line", those whom You feel are being "disruptive", those whom You feel are posting in a "non-contributive" manner.

In a nutshell... and if I'm mistaken then Please educate me further with regards your true intent here.

[to add]

Not just You but anyone who had started a thread in the "type" forum suggested.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by Annie Mossity]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Annie Mossity
reply to post by videoworldwide

I've read through the entirety of this thread and that seems the basic overall "gist" of what you're suggesting or asking for - the ability to censor, dispose of ban or action those whom You feel are "out of line", those whom You feel are being "disruptive", those whom You feel are posting in a "non-contributive" manner.

In a nutshell... and if I'm mistaken then Please educate me further with regards your true intent here.

Yes, the ABILITY TO...

Maybe I have more self control in some ways than others and less self-control then some.

I can handle opposing discussion.....but then there are some SERIOUS DISINFO AGENTS as well....I can can smell them a mile away.
I have been a researcher and activist for a LONG TIME.

So, if and when I get someone who actually wants to drown out my discussion, I could get rid of them, and MANY OTHERS feel the same way, from what I can see and read on various forums.

You may not understand we are under attack in a particular way.
The internet is no longer about "free speech". It has been taken over by agents working for the system, for the most part.

Once the Intelligence agencies realized the people were spreading too much information among themselves, they crafted a plan to infiltrate it with thousands of agents that are paid to do nothing but blog, interrupt progressive discussion, bait people with fights, spread disinfo, etc.

This means that they FLOODED the internet with CRAP, so the average researcher could not find the truth unless they knew how to pick and find needles in haystacks.

Because of this, there is now a need for the individual to monitor and control their personal discussions in ways that never existed before.

If I post something important, and I want you to read it, and the disinfo agents don't want you to see it, all they have to is flood the thread with long posts of videos and explanations that make no sense and may not even be relevant, but YOU WILL HAVE TO SORT THROUGH IT.

That is what I want to avoid, if there is a way, and this is ALL HYPOTHETICAL ANYWAYS. It's merely for discussion, to see what people think, please remember that.

Thanks for contributing.

Sorry, I was not shouting. I use capitals sometimes to accentuate.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by videoworldwide]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by videoworldwide

Please read all my posts here before responding, please....
I can tell you have not, because I stated I never wanted to limit opposing discussion, and that I actually embrace it whenever it is respectful.

You are contradicting yourself. You wrote this in your OP:

It just seems proper and right, that if I start a discussion, I should be able to choose who I want to discuss the issue with, and still have that discussion open to all....and available for public viewing....

But just because I post a question or share information, why should I always be subjected to disinfo agents and trolls who follow my threads around and heckle me constantly? Aren't we entitled to discuss issues and keep them serious, or directed in some way that suits the purpose of the original poster?

Perhaps ATS isn't what you are looking for. Perhaps you should start your own congretation somewhere. There you can preach your gospel all you want without being bothered with opposing views. You wouldn't learn much about anything, or course, but you would probably be much happier.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by ziggystar60

Originally posted by videoworldwide

Please read all my posts here before responding, please....
I can tell you have not, because I stated I never wanted to limit opposing discussion, and that I actually embrace it whenever it is respectful.

You are contradicting yourself. You wrote this in your OP:

It just seems proper and right, that if I start a discussion, I should be able to choose who I want to discuss the issue with, and still have that discussion open to all....and available for public viewing....

But just because I post a question or share information, why should I always be subjected to disinfo agents and trolls who follow my threads around and heckle me constantly? Aren't we entitled to discuss issues and keep them serious, or directed in some way that suits the purpose of the original poster?

Perhaps ATS isn't what you are looking for. Perhaps you should start your own congretation somewhere. There you can preach your gospel all you want without being bothered with opposing views. You wouldn't learn much about anything, or course, but you would probably be much happier.

Geeze, AGAIN.....

YOU didn't read the post.

I stated that without opposing ideas and voices we would not grow and learn.

You missed that somehow. And you are taking my post WAY TOO SERIOUSLY, if you're suggesting I go somewhere else, when I stated ALSO that this whole post is hypothetical and for discussion purposes only.

BTW, I would also like to add, that your post has a nasty flavor and sounds condescending, but i would not ban you.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by videoworldwide]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by videoworldwide

BTW, I would also like to add, that your post has a nasty flavor and sounds condescending, but i would not ban you.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by videoworldwide]

I am so grateful.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by C-JEAN
Hi, mods and OPers. . .

The question could also be:

Could we have threads, on any subject, with ONLY persons that
are agreeing on the subject ??

ATS is a discussion and an opinion board, not an "old boys club".

Whilst it may be inconvinient for you to have someone challenging your point of view the world doesn't work that way. Critical thought is key to the propagation of the human species. Without it we'd still be in the trees.

The discussions on ATS are a two way street. If you solely want to espouse your own opinion then why not do what others have done and start a seperate website where you have ultimate control over everything in it?

A discussion and opinion board without discussion and opinions is, frankly, a lame duck.

As for self moderated threads - and speaking from experience - given the amount of noise, criticism and accusations of bias thrown at moderators here over the years for expressing their own opinions on subjects - even though we are required not to moderate threads we are involved in with our opinions - why would anyone ask for such a thing?

All it would be is an invitation to drama, disruption and bad feeling, and thats never a good thing.

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