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Pigs Fly: 9/11 Truth Represented as Legitimate In The Mainstream Media

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posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 11:27 PM


Richard Gage of the American Institute of Architects is allowed on Prime Time television to pull back the curtain a bit on the facts of 9/11. My thoughts regarding this:

Since the Obama Administration came into power I have noticed the gradual dissemination of incendiary information pertaining to the consequences of the previous administrations decisions. Whether it be the revelations that the torture which occurred in Iraq went far deeper than waterboarding or that perhaps, you know MAYBE, the government did a piss poor job of investigating 9/11, or the invigoration of attacks against the administrations policy despite the fact that Obama is promoting all the same agendas as the Bush Regime. Do you recall anything similar to the Tea Parties being publicized so widely by the MSM prior to this administration? Would anything similar to Glenn Becks current persona have been permitted even five years ago? So if everything is continuing exactly the same as before, why the radical shift in how things are represented?

The fact of the matter is that this shift in media perception represents a broader agenda. While the Bush Regime was in the process of the demolition of this nation, the media was in defense mode, dissent was synonymous with insanity within MSM presentations. However, with everything in place and the countdown to America's destruction initiated, the shift in Zeitgeist from the media serving as the DAM of ANTI-STATE INFORMATION to serving as its primary mode of propagation - (notice how in the beginning of this clip they go to some lengths to emphasize that the information which is going to be presented is SCIENTIFIC and LEGITIMATE) - can be understood as a logical progression in the scheduled sequence of events.

At this point, the anti-state messages are being broadcast (albeit with some degree of censorship) to water the seeds of doubt within the common mans heart as we gear up to total collapse. Through the allowance of this sensitive information onto the mainstream media they (TPTB) are thus ACTIVELY working on softening up the PUBLIC FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN THE AMERICAN SYSTEM (not exactly a difficult task) - and understand that this is all preliminary preparation for something much greater. Namely, it ties in to promoting discomfort and an atmosphere of charged instability so that when the time comes to implement the integration of all of North America's Countries into a single entity (the NAU). The "change" will be embraced openly by media outlets and will conceivably by accepted by a majority of the ignorant masses who will see the progression as totally logical, as their attitudes will more or less mirror the one presented by the MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

S&F if ya dig it!

[edit on 5-8-2009 by illusionincarnate]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 11:50 PM
I've seen these same morning show hosts doing another off MSM topic as well.

I believe it was a UFO sighting, either way, it's very interesting to see "mainstream" conspiracy theory on a morning show!

Star and Flag

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by illusionincarnate

I'm confused. conspiracy theorists complain that the mass media does not tell the truth and hides the crimes of the government from the people to keep us all ignorant, and when the mass media finally touches on topics that can incriminate the government, it suddenly becomes a conspiracy to make us all distrust the government?

I guess some people will always distrust the mass media, whether or not truth is given to us.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:10 AM
Wow. The word "nutjob" wasn't mentioned once on that video.


And it was awesome seeing WTC7 split-screened with a direct comparison. Sure, you expect to see that on YouTube, but in the MSM?

I'm not sure how much Obama's got to do with it, though. If he is responsible for this change in attitude (and this one swallow doesn't yet make a summer of truth) then the people behind 9/11 will neutralise him.

It will be interesting to see what happens to these hosts and their programme.

There was a programme called Death on the Rock made for British TV by a company called Thames Television. It exposed the fact that IRA terrorists in Gibraltar had been killed death-squad style by a British Army unit.

The main eyewitness, Carmen Proetta, was subjected to a hideous smear campaign by the Sunday Times... and Thames lost its licence, a unique occurrence.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:57 AM
I extensively 'indoctrinated' a friends mom into the 9/11 facts about a month ago.
Her husband works as a diplomat in Washington, and we spent about 8h watching various 'conspiracy' films, culminating in 'Blueprint for Truth'.
Though being quite shocked, she thanked me for showing her some alternative views. She didn't fully buy into any of them -including the official one (smart woman!).
My hope was that she would spread the news... Maybe that's what happened?

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by newworld

Well newworld, the information presented in this clip still doesn't represent the concepts of 9/11 truth to any real significance. The newscast leaves out any speculation about the possibility of government complicity in the coverup, for example, and so ultimately the clip is just a textbook example of controlled opposition. The point of my post was mostly to emphasize the shift in how information is being presented in the news - for example I offer up a segment from '07 on the same issues, albeit including elements of government complicity in the discussion. Notice how the pacing of the discussion unfolds, or rather fails to go anywhere at all due to the childlike focus on name calling and hosts shouting over eachother.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by illusionincarnate]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Nice thread... S&F!

What really gets me going though is that the attention span of Americans is so horrible it makes me want to puke.

Look at what that 'revelation' about the depths of torture under Bush brought about in the public consciousness...
Absolutely nothing.

People don't give a damn and they can't be bothered to use their Grey matter unless things are directly affecting them.
Perhaps things will begin to directly affect them soon though. I hope not, but as you pointed out, there is a decided shift in the way the puppets are presenting the 'news'.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Carlthulhu
I extensively 'indoctrinated' a friends mom into the 9/11 facts about a month ago.
Her husband works as a diplomat in Washington, and we spent about 8h watching various 'conspiracy' films, culminating in 'Blueprint for Truth'.
Though being quite shocked, she thanked me for showing her some alternative views. She didn't fully buy into any of them -including the official one (smart woman!).
My hope was that she would spread the news... Maybe that's what happened?

You can be happy she was polite to you.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Nice thread... S&F!

What really gets me going though is that the attention span of Americans is so horrible it makes me want to puke.

Look at what that 'revelation' about the depths of torture under Bush brought about in the public consciousness...
Absolutely nothing.

People don't give a damn and they can't be bothered to use their Grey matter unless things are directly affecting them.
Perhaps things will begin to directly affect them soon though. I hope not, but as you pointed out, there is a decided shift in the way the puppets are presenting the 'news'.

Nothing like insulting the very people you think you can convince.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by jthomas

*I* can't convince anyone of anything.

The people of this country are so conditioned that NOTHING short of a direct admission of guilt will sway them from believing that the Government has nothing but their best interests at heart.

It is a sad fact, but for most people in this country it is a fact nonetheless.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:22 AM
Anyone who still watches TV to any great extent, at least for news programming, will obviously be way behind the curve when it comes to speculation about possible government involvement in 9/11. To that extent it is great to see some of the issues aired on television.

Because the horse really left the barn a long time ago on that issue, I think it is fair to wonder just what prompted this initiative to look into 9/11 in the american mainstream media.

Nothing really important can be done about 9/11 now. Frying Dick Cheney is not going to bring back what could be close to a million people who died as a result of 9/11. Although, just as in the case of Eichmann, there may be a measure of satisfaction in simply nailing someone for what happened.

The mainstream media knew what had happened (that there were bombs of some description in the buildings) on the day it happened and then forgot everything they knew the day after.

Is this an oily attempt to regain public trust among a segment of people, the truth movement, who are really PO'd? Maybe. Maybe that is what is going on with the Obama administration as a whole. Maybe they are trying to unscrew the valve on the pressure cooker just enough to keep it from blowing up.

Time, as they say, will tell.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:17 AM
Nice, the American mainstream media finally doing their job, or was it a fluke?

The Fox clip where they call Charlie Sheen an idiot and ranting lunitic got me thinking of Penn & Teller doing 911 conspiracies.

They call all that dont believe the official story assholes...

[edit on 6-8-2009 by conar]

[edit on 6-8-2009 by conar]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:03 AM
Thanks for the video!

Richard Gage is to be commended for taking on the task of point man in the struggle for 9/11 justice.

I am forever hopeful for a new investigation even though it appears to be a hopeless cause. Currently NYC CAN is appealing to the NY State Supreme Court to have their petition for a new investigation recognized after being rejected by NYC officials.

This is a marathon not a sprint and I do see progress. That is a powerful image of the comparison of WTC 7 and the controlled demolition!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:23 AM
What i find fantastic is how 5 years ago when I was screaming about the cover up to my family and friends they thought i was a nut case, then i got a couple to watch a few docus, and then a few more, and slowly these people were coming back and apologizing to me for attacking me and calling me names.

now we talk about it over coffee as if its on par with the weather, its #ED up big time... that we talk openly about it. this horrible treasonous act of scummery has become pillow talk.

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