posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:58 PM
another thread I was analyzing the audio from a video of Bill Clinton being
interviewed about Roswell and UFO's. I thought it would be a fun study and wanted to check out how his pitch, rate of speech, and volume changed
throughout the various questions. I decided to reverse the speech for the heck of it and found a few weird things, but I after awhile it really felt
like his, and other English speakers, sounded like they were speaking German in reverse.
My first question is, ok, well if someone who spoke German listened to it could they extract more meaning than someone who spoke only English. I'm
not worried about how important or meaningful the actual words are, but could their mind form a more coherent version. Does the speech actually sound
more German?
If it did, I think it would be quite interesting to think one human language would have the phrasing or sounds of another human language reversed. I
don't know what that would mean, but I'm curious. I have not tested reversed German to see if it sounds English, though I am about to. I really
don't expect it to but I love the moment before you test something. People spend so much time and worry planning events in their lives but I love
when you are certain you don't know what is going to happen next. Ha, I probably do, but for the sake of experiment you can't make assumptions.
Lucky me.
I just wanted to know if others had heard this or wondered. Or if you speak German I would be happy to analyze a clip if you post a raw file of you
EDIT: I made a quick video showing some of the reverse speech patterns. It's mostly hearing English like patterns with some translations I threw on
there. There is a portion around 0:50 seconds where I identify a German sounding part.
(click to open player in new window)
[edit on 4-8-2009 by Parabol]
[edit on 4-8-2009 by Parabol]