posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:07 PM
More than the double in a week.
Like in Argentina last month, in Brazil the number of deaths linked to H1N1 virus are growing at a very fast rate.
The govern of Brazil took all Tamiflu from all drugstores and only allow the worst cases to take it. Braziliand can't buy it, so they have to go to
Uruguay or Paraguay to buy if they get the virus and are not from the risk group. Official health services don't give them the medicine unless they
prove the high risk. Private doctors are not allowed to give Tamiflu for their pacients, at least brazilians can't find it at drugstores and buy it.
They are killing people!
Tamiflu have full effect if taked in the first 48hs. Since exams in Brazil take more than that you can imagine what happens...
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