posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Rams59lb
I don't mind you adding more info at all, the more the better!
What i don't understand is the lady at the end of the video, who just says she doesn't care and she's pretty much fine submitting to whatever the
government pushes as long as they get left alone and can live their lives out without being bothered. People like that should be upset and ashamed
that they will not fight for the rights that were fought for and died for so she could live her comfy life in suburbia wherever.
And i agree also with the poster above, we should take it to the supreme court. A bunch of big time lawyers should get together and start a class
action suit, The people of the U.S.A VS. The U.S. Government. They could file so many charges and provide so much evidence against so many of these
forked tongued politicians, 9/11, Katrina, The patriot act, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo and the list goes on and on and on probably for miles, not to
mention the Illegal Fed and teh economic atrocities committed on teh people of this country. It's overdue, so if there's any Lawyers in teh house
spread the word.