posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 05:08 AM
It is not often that I have a dream I can remember the next day. In fact, I allmost never remember my dreams. If I do, that particular dream is verry
vivid, as if I was actually there, where it all happens.
I considder myself a level-headed person, with both feet firmly on the ground. Not without quirks and faults mind you, and not without the ablity of
"broad thinking". Having a UFO dream however, was something I did not expect, and as all my previous dreams, I think it contains a message. That is
why I am posting it here.
Let me be clear on this. I do not intend to prophesize the comming of UFO's or extraterrestials, but if something would happen, I want the
following facts to be known and filed.
The dream is verry short and starts with me hearing my mother calling me in my sleep. I wake up and see her standing in front of a giant window
looking up to the right. I could only see a black shape of her, no recognizeable features, for she was lit from the other side by the light that fell
thrue the window.
When I answered her call, and asked her what the problem was, she said; "I am afraid I have to say that you were right, strange things DO happen".
As I walked to the window to see what she was on about, I saw three giant ships (elongated cigar shaped) floating in the sky.
The ships had only two colors. The bottom half was jet-blue, the top part was titanium. The "ships" had many many windows, and we could only see a
small part of the ships, cause they were too big/long to see from the window. There the dream ends.
Perhaps someone else had a similar dream? I personally have a feeling that the colors mean more then the UFO's themselves, it at least felt that way,
and my focus was on it.
As for aliens, I don't know if a visit by aliens is something we (humanity) want right now. We are a bunch of barabarian, egoistic, selfish,
sadisitic warmongering morons. And I have a feeling they (our visitors) will not the "beeds and mirrors" kind, or the ones that will bring us clean
energy and perpetual life. I feel it will be more taking then giving. V.O.C. anyone?
But hey, who am I? I dream of UFO's.......
[edit on 4-8-2009 by 2Faced]