posted on May, 13 2004 @ 02:10 AM
Hi Shugo, well I really can't tell anyone much about the corn fields being scarey at night, that's the country-folks thing, but I will say that
doing over-night visits to family that lives in the country can be very scarey at night, if your not use to it
. I've lived in small towns most of
my life, where every body knows every one and also thinks they know everyones business but if they don't,... they will make stories up. I live in the
city now, and love it, it's pretty cool how a person can just disappear from "view", by moving to the city
. I went home to visit my family one
time ( about 2 yrs ago ) and a guy I've known for years, asked my son who I was
, the poor soul went completely pale, as if he'd seen a spook
,........ when asked what was wrong, He said, "I was told that you were dead, but it's great to see that your not ". It was my turn to be shocked
and I was ! Oh well, I love the city life and being lost in the shuffle ,