posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:47 AM
I still havent made up my mind about whether I believe the single bullet theory, but Lyndon Baines Johnson did not believe that the same bullet
wounded JFK and Governor Connally. This is audio of a telephone call between LBJ and Senator Russell. The Senator was so upset by the Warren
Commission proceedings that he left Washington without even taking the time to grab so much as a shirt or toothbrush.
At one point, the Senator can be hard saying that he does not believe the same bullet hit both men. LBJ says "I dont either".
This audio file is 100 percent legitimate. Infer from it what you will. I make no arguments with it, I am simply presenting it here since I have not
seen it posted.
[edit on 8/3/2009 by ChiliDog]