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Genetic Implants

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posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 11:56 PM
Has anyone heard of implants that can influence the way your body and mind work.

I am starting to think i am the victim of a very elaborate genetic virus and have some kind of implant in my body.

I suspect these implants (because of their complexity) are made by a high inteligence and implanted into those that might be a threat.

I think i am one of those threats.

I don't know how to get rid but it completly yet. It seems to be affecting me on certain levels of thought and certain vibrational frequecies (energetic).

For those of you interested in the psychological impact it is having on me at an energetic level basically it is causing me to attract a rougue energy at key meridian thought planes. It's sole purpose it seems is to cause disruption in places where i am trying to be in tune.

I am starting to think it's why I nearly went over the edge crazy.

Has anyone else experinced this or thought about it?

I guess i am saying that the bigger picture might be that an evil race or organisation has devoloped a virus or implant that is inhibiting the progress of certain key individuals on many levels. Any thoughts on this?

If that is the case we are dealing with a very melevolent presence here on earth with fingers in many pies. My hunch is that they are aware that spiritual progression or even human advancement will lead to their downfall and are trying to prevent in where possible.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 12:59 AM
I used to think I've had implants and even some type of alien parasite like on SG1.
But, I've also been told I actually had parasites and some of these can get into and effect/affect your mind. There's Listeria bacteria that almost killed my mom and brain cancer that killed my dad. Even these earth based creatures are genetic alien invaders. They might also come here in meteorites, for all we know. I've recalled having seen my implants on x-rays.

Alien or not, you might check your symptoms on a medical site also.

[edit on 2-8-2009 by aleon1018]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by aleon1018

Google Dr Hulda Clark. She believes that all disease is caused by the invasion of the body by parasites, molds and such which operate at particular frequencies. You can even buy frequency zappers which you attach to your body to kill these parasites.

Says such devices can be made very simply and on George Ure's Urban Survival website a couple of days ago had a link to a free downloadable ebook which contained Dr Clark's findings in great depth. You can probably find this ebook using the above google search too.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
I don't know how to get rid but it completly yet. It seems to be affecting me on certain levels of thought and certain vibrational frequecies (energetic). For those of you interested in the psychological impact it is having on me at an energetic level basically it is causing me to attract a rougue energy at key meridian thought planes. It's sole purpose it seems is to cause disruption in places where i am trying to be in tune. ...

Interesting, but a bit hard to grasp. Can you expand on it some more, give examples of what happens exactly?

[edit on 2-8-2009 by DeepSea]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by DeepSea

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
I don't know how to get rid but it completly yet. It seems to be affecting me on certain levels of thought and certain vibrational frequecies (energetic). For those of you interested in the psychological impact it is having on me at an energetic level basically it is causing me to attract a rougue energy at key meridian thought planes. It's sole purpose it seems is to cause disruption in places where i am trying to be in tune. ...

Interesting, but a bit hard to grasp. Can you expand on it some more, give examples of what happens exactly?

Sure I can try to epand on it.

To better understand imagine that you mind is like a very powerful transmitter that can effect reality. And because of the nature of our universe and the systems that have already been laid down a connected mind has to be be pure and not chaotic to successfully enter the matrix so to speak. Now the matrix is all around us, just like the film but most are not connected to it and are actaully blind to it, its like a major disconection to the source code or our divine nature.

Now imagine a species or collective that are a disruptive presence in the universe who thrive on chaos and know their existance depends on the prevention of human advancement. This rogue presence not only knows the body down to a celluar level it actively seeks ways to disrupt the flow of energy and thought within the body. Due to the difficulity in dealing with chaotic or malevolent energy the body sometimes short circuits due to the presence of this energy in whatever form, My suspition is that this form in me is an implant of some sort or at the very least an energetic organisational presence seeking to prevent me from progressing within the matrix for fear of its own demise.

The trigger for this implant seems to be related to the importance of the thought stream and is worst is the person is fearful. The presence of this virus in effect is keeping me in limbo I am sure of it. Now for sure I know I am an important piece in this crazy game, don't ask me to explain but suffice to say its based on educated observations over time. I often experience 4D which unfortunatly I cannot fully immerse myself into due to this malevolent influence within me!

Now Heffo mentioned Hulda clerk which i will certainly look into and from what he's said i think some pieces may well fall into place.

Obviously to take on board what I am saying you have to accept that there is such a thing as organised melevolent intention on an energetic and mental level. Personally have no doubt about this and have be witness to malevolent organisation many times. It helps if one realises that the universe is much more complex than it appears to be and that we are being prevents from entering the matrix by tptb.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 05:25 AM
Yes, there are such implants. They are bringing all of their technology to bare.

It's all worthless though if you can increase and maintain ever higher levels of vibrational frequency.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 08:48 AM
I would just like to state at the beginning of my post that what I am about to say is no reflection on you as an individual, but simply my interpretation of what you have currently described. I am at no point attempting to insult you, nor completely disregarding your theory.

It seems to me that you may have a small case of megalomania or schizophrenia that possibly was never picked up on before in your life due to how mild it would be. This, coupled with the paranoia that many believers have that when they have learned enough something would want to stop them, probably leads you to your conclusion.

Having said that, I'm not disregarding any phisological problems that you are having either. As has been said, there are many earth based parasites and viruses that can affect your concentration. It is more then possible that you are simply ill, and after a few days of rest will be able to return to your normal activities. Alternatively, this could simply all be in your head, and your lack of concentration could be a result of you subconsciously wishing to be part of a paranormal experience, thus your conclusion of an implant.

Now, assuming that your theory is correct, and there is a being that cannot exist when humans continue to evolve, and say that this creature did have the capability to implant something into you without your knowledge and, based on the lack of clarification, I'm guessing leaving no scars, then why would this being simply not eliminate you or other groups of people?

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by heffo7

That's interesting
You should start a thread somewhere like the medical files or similar. I guess I'll do a search on ATS also. Too bad posts like these are ignored by many who think it's a gift....YEAH, a gift like parasites; just keep on giving when they lay eggs and multiply. Dogs and pets are said to also spread these back and forth.

I caught my moms dog eating some other animals turd and she was most likely infected with parasites from it. She lost a lot of belly hair and was eating anything she could as if to treat herself. She eventually got into the semi sweet chocolate morsels and nearly died. It seemed to work though. Maybe that's why the Aztecs or Mayans drank it?

When I lived in Wisconsin, these parasites were also likely transmitted from the toilet the dog drank from and likely the floor to bathtub as well.

The CDC also got involved. Must have been a nasty parasite for them to do that. Many were infected. Even the clinic was fumigated. So bizarre.

The alleged fictional programs such as SG1 also mention alien parasites;

I think there may actually be some truth in that aspect as well. The Djinn may have a way of giving us what we imagine and fear also.

[edit on 2-8-2009 by aleon1018]

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