posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:45 AM
Actually, there is a tie in here with religion and conspiracy. (If I'm off the mark here, please tell me. I'm still new to this board.)
To many fundamentalists - and I include Mormons, Scientologists, some psychoanalysts and just about every denomination of conservative 'christians'
- there is no such thing as gay. God makes (or so the argument goes) heterosexuals only. Confused people become gay when convinced to do so by
predatory homosexuals. Gay people - this is a large part of what they call the Gay Agenda - need to convince young, impressionable people that it is
really cool to be gay. And the process continues, on and on, and that is why there are gay people on the planet.
People actually believe this. There are Chick publications printed with this on them. Ministers bilk millions of people of their money by foisting
this fear on their flocks. From some of the arguments I've seen posted about why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (and so on) I wanted to see if
someone would try to produce a convincing argument for this. Okay, it was bait.
Sometimes I can't help being a master baiter.