posted on May, 12 2004 @ 05:17 PM
Originally posted by garyo1954
Thought you guys were out putting children under the Denver airport or something important, Federal Bureau of Instigation.
The FBI is not at liberty to disclose any information regarding the whereabouts of children. However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
very closely, especially when it comes to the numerous revelations about the truth, which, I am at liberty to say,
have been found out many, many times; you're all right, so keep working it out!
Meanwhile, you'll all be getting a visit from a few special agents using our friends at the NSA to help us with their tracking software. Thanks
That's right, you just heard a real agency give you information :O astonishing(ly untrue)
On the more real side of the spectrum, sorry, I neglected to use the search button, it's just that it rarely gives me the results I need, so I tend
to forget about it. I'll make a mental note to search EVERY time I'm ever going to make a new thread, after all, it's part of denying the ignorance
[of the search button]