Islam was corrupted my Nicolaitans, those who deny the crucifixion and the God of Abraham.
you see when sodom and Gammorah where destroyed Yeshua was the Lord that Abraham was talking to, Moshe talked to the Burning Bush this was also
Yeshua. YHWH is the name of God.
on the cross his name in Hebrew was Yeshua HaNatzerai W'melech HaYehudim.
the Beast which is the Curse is Allah, now I know Muslims will get upset, but if you give me a moment I will explain why Yeshua is The same God of
in the Quran it states that God doesn't have a son, this is both false and True, Yeshua doesn't have a Son, he is the Word, the Right hand of the
Father also the Holy Spirit, God is eternal and can be One, but he can also be Where ever and with whomever he wants. no I don't believe in the
Catholic trinity. the word One in the Torah means Unified in Mind and Spirit. the Son is the Image of God perfected, the only being who Exsisted with
God from the beginning. Word also means Torah, his Instructions, Yeshua is the Physical manifestation of the Eternals Instructions. God Created his
law, but the Eternal always knew his law(Word), thus is the Father of his Word.
now let's look at us, we have the Body, Soul, And Spirit, we are made in God's Image. Yeshua also has a Body, Soul, and Spirit. the person whom Yeshua
says is his Father is Spirit only. as for Muslims believing the traitor was his brother don't understand there was 2 Judas, one Yeshua's half Brother,
and the Other Iscarot.
Miriyahm the Mother of Yeshua was chosen because she followed the Truth, the Word left Heaven and became Yeshua in the Flesh. Prophet, Messiah, and
Son of the Living Ancient of Days.
for unto us a child is born, a Son is given.
You shall name him Yeshua for he shall save his people from Thier sins.
so we see 2 Lords in the story of Sodom and Gammorah, Father and Son, or The Spirit and the Word.
here is where Mohammed was decieved, he was taught by a nicolatian, one who denied that Yeshua is The God of Israel. but also Sin is laid bear in the
Torah, Lying, Murder, Theft, Envy, disrespecting any Parent, using Yeshua's name in Vain which means not using it. do not name any other God's before
him, and worship of anything made of Stone, Wood, Gold, or Silver. this is Idolatry. we must also keep his day Holy, which is Fri at sundown to Sat at
the Ten Commandments are Eternal, we must keep them. every Religion on this earth is meant to control the masses, but the God of Israel asks us to
Love Him with all that we are, and Everyone as he has loved us.
Muslims state that Yeshua wasn't crusified, but he was, this teaching comes from the Gnostic, and the Jewish Gnostic, which is called the nicolatians.
known today as Kabbalah or cabbala. see any words in the Word for Jewish mysticism what is used in Islam? also in Babylonian worship the amulets they
wore had a 666 on it on the lower corner of thier worship of the gods, the Kabba is in the same spot.
Mother of Harlots, in Revelations it states Mystery, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.
the Mother of Harlots is Samaramaus the mother of Nimrod aka Tammuz, Aka Baal or Ba'alzebub, whom was the First Antichrist.
Mecca Means Mother, why does the Almighty so angry at Mecca, Because Thier worship is Identical to the worship of Nimrod and Samaramaus, and
the Kabba Stone is identical to the stone which those who worshiped Dianna used. also when they would worship Dianna they would say " Great is Dianna"
sound familiar yet?
the bible says clearly to Deny the flesh, who is satan, the one who is the Father of Lies, Murder, Theft, Slavery, and Lusts.
what does the quran tell you will be your reward, oh that's Right Lusts, Muslims are commanded to commit Adultry, Steal, Kill, and Rape, all in the
name of Baal. yes Allah is another name for Baal.
the Beast of Revelations will be a united Ottoman Empire, the Head that was wounded and Did Heal, the Muslims will take the mark of Allah, the
Bishmallah on Thier hand or forehead and be marked for death in Satan's punishment.
in the Quran it calls Allah the Great Deciever, but the God of Abraham told us that Satan is a Liar and the Father of Lies, but The God of Abraham is
Righteous and in him there is no Darkness. so the God of Muslims is not the God of Israel. the God of Israel Hates all Sin, but loves all people, tell
us to repent of our evil ways, and says if we do not that he will destroy all who Worship the Beast Allah, take his mark and his name.
yes you still have time Muslims to repent, but soon the Mark will come and if you recieve it, you will not see heaven.
the God of Israel is Yeshua HaNatzerai W'melech HaYehudim, he was not a Muslim, he was not a Christian, or a modern day Jew, he Is the Creator of All.
and He will Judge those who think they can buy Thier way into heaven, or deny his sacrifice.
he died on the cross to be our Redeemer, it is only through him that you will see rest, if you try any other way, But Yeshua/Jesus Alone.
He will say to you, Depart from me, you who work iniquity.
for by the law shall no flesh be Justified.
salvation is a Free Gift of God, you cannot earn Salvation, it is his right to justify whom he will, and Deny whom he will.
so Fear him, and Repent, be ready to die for Yeshua, and even if the evil ones take your Head, he will give you a crown of Life. in this is the
patience of those who truly love God, that he himself is more important than Thier own lives.
the God of Israel doesn't Break his own commands.
time to awaken, or Burn with the Evil one.
edit on 18-9-2016 by Anont because: word changed, had to correct it