reply to post by grapesofraft
I was in fact, according to a friend, and she is a self-proclaimed "psychic",
Before you ask, the movie "300" sucked, it was not historically accurate, in my humble opinion.
Spartan's go to battle barefoot, they wore no sandals, and my list is longer, but I digress.
I have been friends with this friend now for fourteen years, and before someone asks, I do not pay her for her "readings", we only talk as friends,
there is no compensation.
The way she explained it to me, in regards to figuring out your past life, is that the things you focus on most in this life, are things you were in a
past life.
My main focus, in this life, has been warfare, tactics, politics, the list is endless.
If you have read any of my threads, you will notice a theme to them, war.
What my friend also taught me, is that if you live more than one life as something, example a warrior, Police Officer, slave, that you did not learn a
lesson you were meant to learn when your soul came back to Earth.
The difference this time around, and I know other past lives of mine as well, is that I learned the lesson.
I turned the Art of War, which I have learned, read, and written on, into the Art of Peace.
Oh, yes, I have learned the lessons well from my past lives, never trust any soul that is not your own.
How To Overthrow Your Own Government, Legally and Without Violence, In Order To
There is one example of the type of threads I submit to ATS.
You see, Leonidas of Ancent Greece would have never spoken of overthrowing Sparta, he would have fought to the end in a suicidal and glorious battle
to the death of every last man under his control.
This is not Sparta, this is America, which many consider the "new Rome", and there are many within this country, sitting on Capitol Hill and the
halls of Government planning and plotting coups and takeoevers, of ousting Obama.
That would be the "old boys network" of political corporate raiders who are robbing America blind.
As a young boy and teenager and young adult, I read and studied on Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece when many other children would play mindless games
of tag, Red Rover, and hopscotch, I was learning how to turn those games into tactics to utilize them as a means to defeat any and all enemies who
would come against me.
The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
You see, when someone fully understands what politicians are up to, he or she can accomplish anything set before them, because he or she understands
the nature of the people controlling the country, their greed, corruption, and illegal activities.
Mental Imagery From Words Or Images
When someone "sees" enough conflict, battle, and war, they understand the true nature of war.
Stop The Stalkers
Read about my fight against stalkers here, since I was six years old.
Left-Wing, Right-Wing, This Turkey, Knows How To Soar Like An
Become a member of the Bully Pulpit, so you can debate me politically, if you do not choose membership in the Bully Pulpit, you can
only read, and not post replies.
[edit on 11-8-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]