You are being watched, followed, and logged every step…every day!
For some people, probably many here on ATS this may be old news. I still want to address the situation and possibly make others aware. Any support,
prior research or criticism will be gladly received.
OK.. Let me start by saying the same thing I have been telling people for years now. I have even made some posts on ATS about this. Anyhow, I used to
drive a tractor trailer for a big company a few years back. In most big rigs there is a little device called a Qualcomm OmniTRAC system. This small on
board computer helps the terminal send driver’s instruction, and directions. It also shows if the truck is moving and the exact location of the
system. This was a bit unnerving to me at the time, being the stiff fines that come with driving over your allotted driving time, and you could never
get away with it because for you and every other truck with a qualcomm system on board, there was a corresponding blip on a map somewhere.
Enough of the back history... One day I notice a Qualcomm sticker on my new CDMA phone... I immediately knew the dread implications of this. That’s
right. Like the truck system my pocket now had a blip with my information attached to it for anyone with to access to the data to not only find
exactly where I am, but also the ability to look up the history of where I had been...Possibly what other blips I seemed to be in contact with... Or
even run a query of places with people…
Don't believe me? Go right to the qualcomm web site and read it in beautifully plain English! They are proud of how they have wrangled the chaotic
masses and so efficiently tracked your every move.
As for the little vid about the IPhone, I call bull s*&t. CNN seems to be playing the fact that the IPhones GPS map app was the pure means of
tracking… Nope it’s the phone itself. All most every phone has this feature and it can’t be disabled. This also leads to another foreboding
(I read this somewhere on ATS the other day. It would be great if someone could confirm.)
It seems now all AT&T subscribers accept in the fine print that any information about them obtained by AT&T technology can be sold or handed over to
the Gov.
I hear people bitching about the government putting chips in there skin, saying. "They will never get me to consent to that!"
Guess what you already did! That chip is in your pocket. And I'll bet if you leave it at feel naked with out it...
Feel someone looking over your shoulder?
(visit the link for the full news article)