posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 11:13 AM
Although a House Oversight committee has held a hearing on the topic of data leaks on P2P networks, the last meeting was over 2 years ago.
With this news, you can tell the this is going to be rehased anew and the hammer is going to fall on P2P Networks soon and it is going to be swift.
The thing is that tightening Federal Restrictions on P2P Networks and banning P2P Network software on all government or government contractor
computers is only going to cause this information to go to Darknets where oversight committees aren't going to find them as easily.
Information wants to be free, and even if it is Classified and Sensitive data, it will still leak out to the public domain. It can't be stopped. Just
look at WikiLeaks!
I'm all for the government increasing their own internal security and auditing methods, but when they start dictating what is good for the
common-man, and whether *WE* can use P2P Networks is another thing altogether.
Hopefully this recent find of sensitive Secret Service documents and Department of Energy documents on P2P Networks doesn't cause Congress to go
overboard on their legislating restrictions on P2P Networks.
(And on a side-note: How many of you are as curious as I am about finding these documents and taking a peek...not for any nefarious purpose other than
being curious tax-payers who bought and paid for these things?)
(visit the link for the full news article)
[edit on 30-7-2009 by fraterormus]
[mod edit: fixed long link skewing page]
[edit on 30-7-2009 by 12m8keall2c]