posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:44 AM
Every nation has a right to exsist, this includes Israel, Palestine.
The era of this blind allegiance towards Israel and allowing them to run roughshot over every single peace proposal is over.
The United States and too many other nations have become more hated over letting Israel do pretty well whatever it wanted unchequed.
It was revealed early on when Israel first striked Hezbollah in Lebanon in 07, Israel wanted the US to attack Hezbollah and when we left them to
defend themselves they tried crying wolf.
The era of Israel first striking any nation and leaving countries like The US to clean up the mess is over and done for good.
Israel will only be backed when they do good. The recent UN War Crimes investigations from late 08/early 09 really destroyed Israel's image as this
God loving nation.
No nation on Earth is to attack another and expect to be backed.
I am in no way Anti Israeli but the era of them doing whatever they want while having the world turn a blind eye is over and done.