posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by grapesofraft
If you read around enough and google the right terms, you will discover a wealth of information that reveals the UN connection to the "occult" plan
for some sort of new global religion. Share International is an NGO of the UN along with World Goodwill. World Goodwill is associated with the Lucis
Trust/Theosophy/Alice Bailey.
Chanelling Sessions given for the UN's employees
Chaneller of being called KRYON invited about 5 times to speak at UN
Share International's UN connection
Lucis Trust's NGO status
I've got 2 lever arch files full of print offs just to do with the UN-occult connection and agenda. SO many UN figures have /have had ties with the
theosophical or new-age stuff. I haven't time to sit here and go through all my notes so try googling :
Occult Agenda,UN
One World Religion, UN
Teaching Chanelling at the UN
Robert Muller, UN, Occult
Lucis Trust,UN
It's all there to be found............I also recommend an excellently researched book filled to the brim with information, names, documents etc that
proves beyond a doubt the UN is working towards achieving a new world religion and has very deep occult connections and influences...."The New World
Religion" by Gary H. Kah
He's very Christian (I am not) but you can see past that to the research. it's full of references and footnotes so you can go check it all out
Someone earlier mentioned using HAARP to fake things etc ....bear in mind that Share International's Maitreya seems to be planning to eventually
appear in the flesh, and is supposed to have all sorts of magical abilities. His cronies are the beings that fly around in UFOs and the organization
tells us that many other "ascended masters" will follow Maitreya, coming to Earth to "help" mankind and that the UFO phenomena is very real and
that it is anticipated, some years from maitreya's revealing, that there will be full disclosure. The organization - CONNECTED TO THE UN- is
preparing the world for interacting with these beings who are billed as "the good guys". They will have to present real beings, not holograms, and
real ships, not faked ships, in order to pull any of this off and given Creme has worked religiously for the cause for 30 odd years and spends
enormous amounts of money advertising things on TV, radio and in periodicals etc I doubt the organization is behind some fake anticipated event as no
one would buy it.
The ET phenomena and drive for a new world religion could be intricately connected........
[edit on 30/7/09 by cosmicpixie]