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Swine Flu is a Joke on us. Real case.

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posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:37 PM
My children came back from camp at Camp Bluehaven in Las Vegas,New Mexico last saturday the 18th. My oldest boy was complaining about having a sore throat and said is was hard to talk and swallow. The first thing that came to mind was Strep Throat. Well he got worse overnight. The oldest girl was showing lesser but similar symptoms.

The doctor that sees them is a friend of the family as well so we gave him a call. He told us that they probably have the normal flu because his daught who was at camp with them has it. He perscribed Tamiflu and we started giving it to our oldest 2 kids.

Overnight the boy got pretty bad. Almost hospital bad but not quite. Later that afternoon the doctor called us and told us that his daughter had tested positive for swine flu.

Well this is now wednesday the 29th and low and behold the kids are better. The doctor's child is up and running as is both my children.

This virus is not nearly as bad as what everyone is being made to think it is. The really sick feeling only lasted about 48 hours for all 3 children. My personal thoughts is that it affects unhealthy people the most. All 3 children with no medical problems, all in great physical shape, over came the virus with ease.

We have a house of 6 people and yet it did not transfer to any other members.

This virus is a joke. It is less severe than the common flu.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:48 PM
I don't think anyone here questions the fact that H1N1 is much weaker than the regular flu. What is concerning people is the possibility of mutation come this Fall, considering that the flu is 3 different types of virus, compounded by a rushed vaccine that could include 3 doses.

I won't do the math here, but Mother Nature only gives so many chances to stay out of her business before she takes charge.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:53 PM
I don't know the science of it, but I am quite positive that a weaker virus can't "mutate" to a worse virus. Evolve would be the correct terminology for this, mutations are often lesser/diminished states of existence.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Another thing that I forgot was that the Doctor's son who was at the same camp had the flu but when tested it came back as negative to swine flu. Now explain that. Seems to me that the Swine flu itself might not be really what it is. Just odd to me that you could have that much exposure both in the same time frame but one has swine flu the other has regular flu.

Could Swine flu just be a body reaction to the regular flu versus a true different virus?

I am begining to doubt the existence of a separate virus.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
I don't know the science of it, but I am quite positive that a weaker virus can't "mutate" to a worse virus. Evolve would be the correct terminology for this, mutations are often lesser/diminished states of existence.

Mutate would be taking characteristics from other flus, changing strains, or combining. That is exactly what has the experts worried.

Viruses cannot "evolve" because they are not alive. They are tiny little evil machines that hijack living cells in order to reproduce.

Experts are worried that this will continue to mimic the Spanish Flu that came back in the second winter and was many times more deadly.

Otherwise, I entirely agree with OP, this flu is nothing special, and the rushed vaccine is far scarier than the actual flu!!

Edit to add:
The tests are not fool proof. You get a cheap version of a prelimnary test. If it is positive, then you get a real test, but still not definitive. If you die, then you get a definitive test!

[edit on 29-7-2009 by getreadyalready]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:09 PM
I guess my true question now would be is if there is any proof a different virus acctually exists. Is it possible what we are being told is swine flu is just the body's reaction to the common flu. Before this "outbreak" we did not do this kind of testing therefore making it posible that the swine flu positive results are just a symptom rather than a real virus.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by ldyserenity
I don't know the science of it, but I am quite positive that a weaker virus can't "mutate" to a worse virus. Evolve would be the correct terminology for this, mutations are often lesser/diminished states of existence.

Mutate would be taking characteristics from other flus, changing strains, or combining. That is exactly what has the experts worried.

Viruses cannot "evolve" because they are not alive. They are tiny little evil machines that hijack living cells in order to reproduce.

Experts are worried that this will continue to mimic the Spanish Flu that came back in the second winter and was many times more deadly.

Otherwise, I entirely agree with OP, this flu is nothing special, and the rushed vaccine is far scarier than the actual flu!!

Edit to add:
The tests are not fool proof. You get a cheap version of a prelimnary test. If it is positive, then you get a real test, but still not definitive. If you die, then you get a definitive test!

[edit on 29-7-2009 by getreadyalready]

This is the medical term for virus:
Virus: A microorganism smaller than a bacteria, which cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell. A virus invades living cells and uses their chemical machinery to keep itself alive and to replicate itself. It may reproduce with fidelity or with errors (mutations)-this ability to mutate is responsible for the ability of some viruses to change slightly in each infected person, making treatment more difficult.

Viruses cause many common human infections, and are also responsible for a bevy of rare diseases. Examples of viral illnesses range from the common cold, which is usually caused by one of the rhinoviruses, to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Viruses may contain either DNA or RNA as their genetic material. Herpes simplex virus and the hepatitis- B virus are DNA viruses. RNA viruses have an enzyme called reverse transcriptase that permits the usual sequence of DNA-to-RNA to be reversed so the virus can make a DNA version of itself. RNA viruses include HIV and the hepatitis C virus. Link:

Mutations are errors...that's what I was trying to say. But according to the definition they are living. But whatever I don't beleive that it will amount to anything ever. It's three diluted viruses that mingled as you say a mutation is, therefore it is already a mutation. I don't know if it would have the capability of becoming a stronger virus, I think further mutation would actually diminish it. That's just my opinon. And I sure as H*** won't be getting the darn vaccine, Even if I have to home school my children, they will definately not get it either.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Its the vacine that will be the killer, not h1n1 itself. Although it occured to me this morning that the people that have already been infected by this may have some type of reaction in the long term. I know for fact it will be deadly this winter. Im thinkin 9/09/09, upside down that would be ...yeah... 6/06/06. I also wouldnt be surpised at all if they but a lil' h1n1 in the chemtrail juice that floats so lovingly above our citys.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:18 PM
I hear rumours that this can could not have occured naturally, can anyone substantiate this claim?

Also does this mean a person who has already had the first-phase sickness, could possibly be immune to a later wave. Or could a mutated virus come back to a previous victim?

For i was under the belief that white blood cells once exposed can forumlate an anti-bodyu for further infection?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:18 PM
I also heard that this flu can re-attack as long as 60 days after the first attack, and then it is an mutated strain.

It can also live for as long as 60 hours without an host...

It is not Confirmed by Media, so take this info as you like..

But the next attack will be less severe, so if it was no problem the first time around, it probaly aint even a issue..

- Unconfiremed -

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

It is confirmed by alot of people in the field...

You should listen to this and read about Janes lawsuit against WHO and UN and Barak Obama even, so ..

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:51 PM
About mutations...
Yes, a virus can easily mutate to become MORE severe. This has happened with several pandemics in the past. I'm not saying this will follow the 1918 pandemic, it could go either way. And anyways, small mutations are nothing to worry about. We should focus on Antigenic Shift!

Antigenic Shift

Because this strain is made up of different strains, Antigenic Shift has obviously happened already. This does not mean it can't happen again, quite the opposite.
There have been cases where a flu will jump to humans, jump back to animals and rest for awhile, and then jump back over to humans as a much more severe virus.

It is ALL speculation at this point.

[edit on 29-7-2009 by Negotium of Verum]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by LeaderOfProgress

Vitamin D, mainly got from sunlight, is tremendously important to mitigating influenza. I'd bet your kids have spent time in the sun recently and are pretty well nourished. This does much more to protect you from getting seriously ill than any immunisation or drug treatment can.

This is why the flu is a winter ailment. In summer most people get enough vitamin D to keep them safe.

Another thing that helps is letting the sick person run a fever. The fever enables the body to fight off the virus. Of course one has to be sensible and not let kids run such a high fever that they are getting delirium or convulsions.

Three in my immediate family have had the flu. (Winter here, southern Australia.) We were all pretty well housebound, and got it badly. My son and I now have it for the second time and my daughter, who first got it late March, is sick with it for the third time. But my other son, who works outdoors every day, never got sick at all.

Swine flu as it is can be very serious. My life was in danger with me having pneumonia and unable to get oxygen through my lungs just the day after I first got sick. But that is no reason to get immunised with these poison-loaded vaccines from companies who have proved they cannot be trusted. Instead, my friends are now dosing up with 250,000,000i.u. of calciferol, (vitamin D) or 2000 i.u. per kilo of body weight. That's what's known as a pharmacological dose, and is something you only do once a year. between times a maintenance dose of 2000 - 5000 i.u. for adults is recommended.

It's worth researching the flu/vitamin D connection on the net. There are scientific studies available to see for oneself.

When I was very ill, and when the sore throat comes back, the best "antibiotic" I found was tea-trea oil, a few drops in a cup of warm milk and cinnamon and manuka honey. Just one cup takes the pain away of a sore throat.

Leader of Progress, congrats on keeping your kids healthy enough to fight it off. This is the only way to go for kids, see to their exercise and nutrition and cleanliness, keep them productively busy, and they will emerge stronger and healthier after anything they catch.

Actually catching this flu will give life long immunity to any closely related virus, unlike immunisation which gives a much narrower immunity for a much shorter time.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:14 PM
If you read the history of the Great Influenza Pandemic, often called the "Spanish Flu", the pattern to this H1N1 flu is similar. It showed up one year, sickened a bunch of people, didn't kill many of them, and seemed to trickle off during the summer. The next flu season, it roared through the world, sickening hundreds of millions of people (earth's population at the time was estimated to be 1.5 billion), and it killed somewhere between 50 and 100 million people worldwide.

What made this flu different from ordinary flus was that it was unusually infective (though flu normally is very contagious); it had a high lethality rate; and it killed young, healthy people, who normally survive flu quite well.

What concerns health officials is *NOT* this current epidemic/pandemic, which apparently has no higher mortality rate than more common flu. What worries them is that they can't say that this flu isn't going to behave the same way that the Spanish Flu behaved. If it follows that pattern, it's going to be a worldwide health crisis. If not, then perhaps we'll get off easily this time.

These guys aren't saying that they know definitely this is the Big One. What they're saying is, they can't tell for sure it *isn't* the big one. They don't know enough to say, one way or the other. They're making a big deal about it because, if they don't, and it just happens to be a lethal pandemic, all the armchair experts who are now saying it's nothing, will be screaming "why didn't they *DO* something?" And no doubt, claiming it was a conspiracy to ensure everyone got sick from it.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:41 PM
another awesomely ridiculous thread.

Viruses can mutate. This particular virus is named 'swine flu' for a reason. It originated by only infecting pigs, which it then mutated, and was able to infect humans, thus becoming more severe... at least in my book.

Viruses are made of DNA or RNA. RNA viruses only have 1 strand of genetic material, and have no way to proofread the RNA when it is copied. Every single time genetic material is copied, there are errors. With no way to fix/find these errors, over time, the errors can accumulate in the genome and change the 'code' to something more severe. The actual genes are long compartments of material that combine together to form a code for a particular trait. These compartments, especially in RNA viruses, can easily pop out of the viruses genome, and transfer to another viruses genome... sort of like trading information with each other. They can also become more severe this way. Flu viruses have a gene that codes for a particular trait that actually allows them to change the antigens presented on their exterior. Our bodies recognize these antigens, and respond to them accordingly. The flu will change its antigens to evade our immune response thus becoming more severe. Over time, this switching of antigens and slow leak of mutations leads to the antigens on the surface permanently changing to something else, thus, becoming more severe.

Any living organism does not want to die. Bacteria and viruses will ALWAYS become more SEVERE. Its darwin. Survival of the fittest. These organisms need us to survive, so they will always be evolving, mutating etc to exploit the human body to carry on their existence. Its simple, simple biology.

The tests to distinguish viruses/ bacteria etc have been around for hundreds of years now. seriously. Nothing new. Just new, faster, more efficient ways of typing pathogens. Research an ELISA if you need to. Basically, we can tell its not just the cold because the cold is a rhinovirus and the flu is an influenza virus. While both are RNA viruses and present similar symptoms they are actually parts of two totally different virus classes, thus are totally different from each other. We can distinguish between the many different types of flu viruses by the antigens presented on the surface of the virus. There are two basic types, haemagluttinin and neuraminidase (H and N). There are approximately 10 variations of these two, and quick math will show you that leads to at LEAST 100 different flu viruses. Of the H1N1 virus alone there are many, many different viruses, but they are only slightly genetically different. There is no 1 virus that is defined as H1N1. Its actually a collection of these genetically diverse viruses that have the same basic core genome associated with H1N1. This is called a quasispecies, and just like the word sounds, is a sub species typing system.

And for the record, mutations are responsible for evolution. Species that mutated so they gained a competitive advantage survived. Not the other way around.

It totally happened naturally, mother nature is a far better molecular biologist than any of us could ever hope to be. Think of it this way. When H1N1 was created, probability would tell you that it has a much, much higher possibility of happening in the 99.9% of the world we will refer to as nature, than in the .1% of a scientist working in a lab to create a superbug, which would violate all kinds of treaties.

So don't get your vaccinations, I hope everyone at least reads this part. YOU WILL BE THE FIRST AND POSSIBLY ONLY TO DIE.

Who are you going to trust? The paranoid, fear mongering, head in a hole ATS members? Or those of us who work in the field, went to expensive schools for long periods of time studying subjects no one wants to study? You know, the ones who actually know what the # they are talking about.

I don't come to your work and knock the broom out of your hand and tell you how to do your job.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 12:40 AM
"Who are you going to trust? The paranoid, fear mongering, head in a hole ATS members? Or those of us who work in the field, went to expensive schools for long periods of time studying subjects no one wants to study? You know, the ones who actually know what the # they are talking about."

My, my, my, Retro, aren't you full of yourself? We paranoid, fear-mongering, head in a hole ATS members have excellent, well-documented reasons for not trusting your ilk. Your fine, expensive schools teach you only what they want you to know, which is dictated by big pharma. Astounding medical breakthroughs by 'rogue' researchers are regularly suppressed if big pharma can't profit from them - everybody knows that. Scientific research is carefully monitored and if anyone gets out of line, the consequences range from pulled funding to a ruined life.

The poisonous drugs prescribed by allopathic doctors, medical mistakes, hospital infections, etc. make your field the NUMBER ONE KILLER IN AMERICA.

You think you know it all? Indeed.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 04:32 PM
There is one thing I do know. What I have posted here on this very forum is based by statistics. Numbers don't lie. If you can provide a credible source and some stats, maybe a paper proving your case, I'd be more than willing to believe it. But you can't, and you won't, because its untrue.

All vaccines work, period. Its been proven time and time and time and time to the x10^100 times. You forget the majority of these vaccines are tested in hundreds of mice, then rabbits, then dogs, then monkeys and finally humans before they are licensed. And if any percentage of those organisms are hurt/ die from the vaccine. ITS NOT PUT ON THE MARKET.

I do not know it all, nor do I claim to. But I am in the field, I study the subject, I am interested in the subject, I have 5 years of research experience outside of my degree at one of the finest institutions there are. I do not know it all, but I know more than you.

Once again, I do not argue with you about the facts, ins and outs of your job do I? You are a subject matter expert at whatever it is that you do... as am I, with molecular biology.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 04:39 PM
I totally agree with the OP

Ive been saying for months now, that swine flu isnt any worse than the normal flu. Like the normal flu it only kills those in high risk areas, like pregnant women and those with other chronic health problems (like cancer or respiratory illness'). And so far, no people in full health have died from it (wow, low and behold eh)

I swear people hear pandemic and they freak out.

All it takes is a little research but all these threads on ATS only promote ignorance to swine flu's real effects.

Deny ignorance indeed

Good job op, nice to see someone who has actually experienced it first hand telling everyone what it really is

S & F

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
I don't know the science of it, but I am quite positive that a weaker virus can't "mutate" to a worse virus. Evolve would be the correct terminology for this, mutations are often lesser/diminished states of existence.

No no, it is Mutate as it's genetic structure will change in accordance to the vaccine.

For it to Evolve would mean for it to grow a limb right? And it's gentic code wouldn't change its entire structure just add some infomation.

Or am I mistaken?

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by TeddiRevolution
I don't think anyone here questions the fact that H1N1 is much weaker than the regular flu. What is concerning people is the possibility of mutation come this Fall, considering that the flu is 3 different types of virus, compounded by a rushed vaccine that could include 3 doses.

I won't do the math here, but Mother Nature only gives so many chances to stay out of her business before she takes charge.

Yet we have had the common cold and the regular flu around for centuries with no mutations, no vaccines and no cures.
Sounds awful darn fishy to me.


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