Recently, a fellow ATS member posted a thread concerning the Web bot report that was released on 7/20. The thread in question doesn't seem to work
(for me anyways, as I receive a 404 'Not Found' message each time). So, here is another website that had talked about it. Bear in mind that they are
no where near as awesome and amazing as many of the minds here on ATS.
Here is their thread:
That being said, in the latest Web bot report introduced to us, there is mentioning of "protests mounting." Here is a snippet for ya,
"In the summer, probably in the course of July, we see more and more mass protests, which the media will be characterized as terrorism. In France,
Great Britain and the U.S. population, however, increasingly against the media coverage times. More and more people will join local (protest)
activities, but also distorted by the world press will be displayed. The anger against the press about the mainstream media lies, for instance, will
express in gross mistreatment of journalists, especially of a few well-known TV personalities. "
There was a thread going Sunday night into Monday about the popular Image-Hosting/Forum website known as 4chan. From what I have gathered, many of the
users there are hackers, or at least think of themselves as such. As a result of the tactics the users have used in the past, they have ben labeled as
"online terrorists" by TPTB over time and often times tend to go against the Societal Grain. (reference to the protestors being called terrorists)
If you are unfamiliar with the site, check out the ATS discussion about it here,
AT&T Reportedly Blocks 4Chan. This Is Going To Get Ugly.
In the end, AT&T issued a statement stating that they had some issues with DDOS attacks, and that they shut down parts of the site temporarily. From
what I gathered from our ATS members who fancy the site, AT&T did so without contacting the sites administrators first.
The thread lists issues with time lapsing on AT&T's part in which the time when the issues occurred.
My point is, this is a website that has a relatively large population base, and one that is very tech-savvy to boot. (fact check for size-->
So, that in mind... Many of the users don't believe the facts 100% and me (personally), I don't think that this issue is over or that it will go
away soon. The site's owner, a person known as "Moot," has called off a direct attack on AT&T, however there have been cases in the past of
isolated 4chan attacks to servers (popular sites like Youtube and Twitter have frequently been victim... a nice google search will show evidence)
I see the users of 4chan gaining more popular support from the highly sensitive nature of the shut down (it only targeted the image boards and is seen
as an action of censorship) and it seems that a large population of ATS members, though never previously exposed to the site, are taking up in support
of the 4chan communities plea to be left alone
I think that this may provide a little credence to the possibility of these Web bot reports having some basis of factuality. I don't think that they
are a prophetic answer that will let us know what will be, but sometimes you need to take a little leap of faith. As far as the rest of the report
goes, I truly hope that none of it goes through, as it is the kind of thing that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
A lil out there, I know. But heck, this is a Conspiracy site so since when are all of our ideas snug inside the box?
NOTE TO MODS: I am in no way trying to represent or advertise the site mentioned at the top of my post, the reference is merely due to a block to the
ATS discussion of the same topic due to a 404 error message. My loyalty in posting is to ATS, and ATS alone.