posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by nunya13
Yep you hit the full nail right on the head, and that's how I wish everyone thought, to be honest.
It's like the whole anti-smoking deal. I knew,as soon as I saw it happening, that starting the bans on smoking in different places, would lead to
further bans, and further, etc. That would open the door for OTHER bans to take place on things that people claim are "unhealthy". Was not too
long after I said that, that they started the bans on trans-fat in new york. And so on.
Same with taxing on smoking... Anti-smokers were overjoyed at it. "It's bad for you, you should not do it, so therefore, you pay this sin tax!
Guess what? Now that they have that, they're working on taxing snack foods and sodas, because... "they're bad for you! So you pay this sin tax!
Once you infringe even ONE right of another party that you do not agree with, you open the door for EVERY SINGLE RIGHT to be infringed, including
every single one of YOURS.