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What do 9/11 and July 4th Have in Common?

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:19 AM

LOTS of them!

And fireballs!

Here is an interesting video with more testimonies of explosions. I had seen many of these, but there were a few that were new to me. This includes another person describing the boom boom boom explosions as the south tower came down, much like the famous firefighter clip seen in many 9/11 videos.

Another thing that is interesting with this video are the descriptions of a rising fireball, from the ground upwards. I suppose that was caused by jet fuel too?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:31 AM
Now here's one taken by the firefighters from inside WTC 1, right after WTC2 collapsed, and they are trying to escape out of the building. At exactly 6:19 in this video the camera records one of them saying on his radio:

"One World Trade Center....We just got hit on that last explosion."

Note the word "last". This implies that there were more of them, as was corroborated by so many other witnesses that day.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:39 AM
Maybe those rising fireballs from the street were just reflections of the sun off of the manhole covers?

You know what, it's almost pointless to provide evidence at this point.
The GL's just keep coming up with new excuses to protect their fragile minds.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

About an hour after that there was a huge explosion at the base of the South Tower.

I think I remember that newscast from the morning of 9-11. I thought the newscast was destroyed for good. Are patriotic people on the inside of the Mainstream News Media cunningly leaking these revealing newscasts out into the public sector?

It was just these types of early newscasts which formed many of my early opinions of the 9-11 event. But than the 9-11 damage control agents quickly censored them and removed them from public viewing and the propaganda and disinformation began.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Yep, damage control. I guess they couldn't keep all their ducks in a row? But I guess one of my favs is this:




But the word explosion does not appear in the entire 9/11 Commission Report?

What kind of investigation was that? One with a predetermined, and very controlled conclusion, meant for recommendations that would funnel even more money in the direction of the powerful. That's what.

[edit on Wed Jul 29th 2009 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

But WTC 2 was a top-down collapse from about the 80th floor down. It was officially a crush-down according to Bazant, and so why was the street collapsing and fireballs coming out from below the street? The jet fuel was surely all burned up after almost an hour since the impact.

This guy was still inside the Tower above street level with the tower in a crush-down sequence floor-by-floor high above him, and he still somehow got out of the tower to safety.

So was this a witness to explosives going off in the basement levels and destroying the core at the bottom? Were these explosives so powerful that they collapsed the street outside the South Tower footprint where this eyewitness could see it?


in a dentist's office because there were dentist chairs and tools, and I looked out the window because the windows were exploded, and the street below caved in . . . the whole street caved in . . . you can see below the street . . . . and at that point, there was like fire balls coming up, so I said, all right, I'm not going to make it

[edit on 7/29/09 by SPreston]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Yeah man, the street collapse thing was definitely weird, and the first I had heard of it. Amazing the things you can still stumble upon out there with some of these videos, which is why I am still always searching and watching for stuff. I was just reading somewhere that the fireball could have been caused by buried diesel fuel lines exploding.

But I guess my latest "kick of the day" research is looking into how and why Giuliani was told that the towers were going to collapse before they fell, and was warned to evacuate. Apparently the Office of Emergency Management issued the warning, which was then carried by a firefighter to the fire chief, who reacted in disbelief. None of them expected the towers to fall, and while they were discussing this very issue, the South tower fell.

So obviously that begs the question of how the OEM could have possibly known those towers were coming down, when no one else did. Truth is stranger than fiction.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by SPreston

I was just reading somewhere that the fireball could have been caused by buried diesel fuel lines exploding.

That is utterly ridiculous. Why would diesel fuel lines explode and how would they explode? What would they be feeding from or to the Towers?

If they were fill lines, the valves would normally be closed containing the diesel in strong pipes. Diesel fuel doesn't explode anyway. If the pipes were broken, the diesel would just leak out on the ground. It wouldn't explode except if a bomb went off in it.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
Maybe those rising fireballs from the street were just reflections of the sun off of the manhole covers?

You know what, it's almost pointless to provide evidence at this point.

Of course, you never had any, and couldn't provide evidence if you tried.

I bet you still believe that AA77 flew over the Pentagon and was completely invisible to everyone as it did so, even as it flew straight at them. That is the funniest claim you ever made, Turbofan!

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