As I've said many times:
I am all for bringing to light those things that Government or whatever constitutes TPTB try to hide.
And there are things happening that are beyond our knowledge, but not beyond our understanding. In other words, there are things we don't know
because they have not been revealed, but once brought to light can be explained.
As far as religion is concerned, I am Christian. I believe Jesus lived not solely because the bible said so, but because there are other contemporary
works written (Roman texts, as well as Jewish texts) during the time of Jesus recounting his presence.
But I do not believe that any prophesy in the bible is a prediction of contemporary events. This, in light of works written by modern day scholars and
researchers - and my own belief that 99% of all prophesies are so vague that in any given century they appear to be predicting current events -
I know someone will say how can you be Christian and not believe everything that is in the bible?
Because I am also an academic and am aware that the bible (New Testament) is a compilation of books from scrolls dating back 150 BCE (Before the
Common Era) to works written as late as the 2nd century AD.
And, interestingly enough the
order in which the books are laid out differ according to which sect you belong. i.e. The Protestants follow the
Roman Catholic order, but the Lutheran order is different.
And not all texts, manuscripts or scrolls were included in the modern version ...
And contrary to stories proclaimed from Christian scholars,
The Dead Sea Scrolls do not have any references
to the New Testament, per se. But, remember, the New one quotes the Old one many, many times.
Some have passages of the Bible's Book of Revelations committed to memory, and that's a neat trick. But irrelevant IMHO. I can quote Shakespeare,
no big deal.
If what you read in the bible makes you a better person, i.e. you live a good and just life, commit no crimes, help your fellow man ... The bible did
it's job. Again, IMHO.
The only prediction that I know will come true is the sun will rise in the eastern sky tomorrow morning. Hehe.