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Shocking Hypocrisy Audio found Obama didnt like it when Bush Rushed Through Legislation

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Odessy
But Bush was FAR worse than Obama.

Let's talk again in 3 and half years and see if you still feel that way, comrade! That is, if we are still allowed to talk on the internet.

Obama has created more deficit spending in 6 months than Bush did in 8 years - Hell, he's created more deficit spending than EVERY other president COMBINED!!!

He has lied more in 6 months than Bush did in 8 years - Hell, he has lied more in 6 months than EVERY other president COMBINED!!!

He has more Czars than Bush Jr and Sr COMBINED - Hell, he has more Czars than the complete HISTORY OF RUSSIA!

I'm no Bush supporter - in fact, I couldn't stand the guy - he made me sick! But this Obama character... he is out to totally and completely destroy anything that is left of America and turn it into AmeriKA, comrade!

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:32 PM
What I want to go viral is that we are all hypocrites, that we are all infested with the virus of divide and conquer. It is a Sumerian, really world system that has been replicated throughout the ages. Once we are aware of the destructive programming, then we cease judgment and forgive individuals, knowing that we have all been infected. Then comes an awareness of the one thing that comes from the synthesis of each of the halves. We then realize that each half has a categorically selfish, disregarding-the-other mentality. Then we can actually expose the beast for the self serving program it is, a mere machination, a non-being, a nonage, a destructive and evil force, contrary to life. But then again, we all make our own choices, and we face the consequences in the heaven or hell in which we reside. And I am referring to we as the word at large. It is uncomfortable at first to look in the mirror, to realize that the roots of evil in the world exist within us. It is an absolutely necessary step, however, to break the cycle. Tools refuse to look in the mirror. ARE YOU A TOOL?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
I, for one, am not the least bit shocked by this "Hypocrisy" - the man is not only a hypocrite, he is an outright liar. In fact, he has elevated the art of political posturing, obfuscating and lying to a whole new level - one this country has never seen before. He is systematically dismantling every last great vestige of what used to be America. In short, he is pissing on our heads and telling us it is rain - and the stupid Obamtrons believe him!

Yeah, this is what a president does. He does things his opponents disagree with. Therefore, they get all rowdy. When Bush was president, the liberals were going crazy. Now Obama is president, the Republicans are the ones who are going wacky. Ok, actually, Republicans have been wacky for quite sometime

But I see your point. It's sad to see Obama supporters follow him was sad to see Bush followers support Their president when he lead us to a senseless war in Iraq. It was sad to see people actually supported the war.

What's my point?

My point is Nothing has changed. There will always be bitterness when someone you don't like is in office. Nothing new here, move along.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:00 PM
No he is not a hypocrite! he is just a politician.... Eh, Who am I kidding? Politician and hypocrite are synonyms.

All joking aside, As a generally left leaning independent I will say this is in fact a very hypocritical statement from Obama. Chances are it will be swept under the rug though like usually happens when a politician is caught contradicting themselves...

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by charlie0
You all think Obama is hypocrit. I voted for Ralph Nader in the past but this time I voted for Obama with the hope that he will bring the change that we all need. If he is hypocrit then anybody please tell me what is the solution. I wrote letters to congress and I am doing my part in many ways to bring the change. Unless we all get together and collectively struggle your chatter will not solve the problem. Because Bilderberg is very active and methodically advancing. Look what the Medical Insurance Cartel did. They raise hell in the congress to stop Obama. who we can trust.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by charlie0]

They raise hell in congress to stop Obama? Obama is asking for them to push things through Congress faster...I don't know what world you live in, but Obama is just as bad, if not worse than Congress.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:18 PM
I find it hilarious that ANYONE of their right mind could find it shocking that a politician is a hypocrite. Guess what... They lie too!
All the fing time.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:05 AM
Shocking! a president being a hypocrite. Everyone is a hypocrite.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:34 AM
I'd just like to say i hate this ohhh its those god damn liberals/lefties.Im a liberal and even i can see Obama for what he is,i don't like big government and i don't like lies.This sweeping approach by people that blame everything on people who are liberal is just another notch in what is wrong with the world.I think you will find both conservative and liberal movements have been going in completely different directions as to what they were intended to be.And if you go to the core of liberal and conservative ideologies and not this faux movement that has emerged.You will find that liberals and conservatives share more values with each other than they do not.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
I'd just like to say i hate this ohhh its those god damn liberals/lefties.Im a liberal and even i can see Obama for what he is,i don't like big government and i don't like lies.This sweeping approach by people that blame everything on people who are liberal is just another notch in what is wrong with the world.I think you will find both conservative and liberal movements have been going in completely different directions as to what they were intended to be.And if you go to the core of liberal and conservative ideologies and not this faux movement that has emerged.You will find that liberals and conservatives share more values with each other than they do not.


I really couldn't see the difference between either party to be honest. JMO.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:11 AM
I am not surprised at all, this guy is embarassing and is ruining our country. He is a hypocrit in everything he says and does and will continue to be one because he has the media covering up for him. If Bush had said something like that and then done the oposite it would be ALL OVER THE NEWS! of course obama does it and it is no big deal. UNBELIEVABLE

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:35 AM
DING! DING! DING! And we score another point for hypocracy!!!

Obama administration's domestic approach to preventing terrorist attacks will rely in large measure on refining and expanding initiatives launched under President George W. Bush.

How to keep the U.S. safe and foil terrorists are charged issues that took a central role in last year's presidential campaign, when then-Sen. Barack Obama criticized the Bush administration's tactics. But Napolitano, in an interview this week, signaled that the Obama administration isn't contemplating a wholesale revision of the agencies or programs created under Bush to further anti-terrorism efforts.

I guess it was just too much work to much work for those unqualified to be running a government to do. And, I'm sure the revisions and expansions will also reiterate the fact that so many groups of people (remember, right wing, veterans, gun owners, etc?) are domestic terrorists and will be dealt with accordingly.


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:43 PM
And heres what the other side says about Obama...

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by yellowcard

The "Patriot Act" (quotations used to express my questioning of the relevance of that term) is the WORST comparison you could use mate.

The patriot act was brought to the floor of the house on October 23, it was introduced to the house October 23, and it was voted into law on October 24.

Is there a comparison? No.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:59 AM
"As a candidate they have no clue what comes across the President's desk. They can promise anything and everything. They might even say these things with the greatest intentions of actually doing what they say. Then they get elected and are privy to all the stuff they normally wouldn't get to see, crap themselves and spend then next 4 years trying to keep at least half of their promises."

Well said.

I'm guessing they see, among other things, the Zapruder film done with modern tools. Mind's shattered with a gun that makes no noise.

(This e-weapons thing will certainly not catch on well with people in our lifetime's experience, I am getting..)

So...we form a government that is founded on the sole principle of restoration of the Constitutional Republic as a representative form (democracy is now officially impossible with MK Ultra; besides, it never WAS our country's form of gov), and we form one that is specifically designed to eliminate the invisible weapons. Yeah...nukes are preferable, not that they should exist either. As for the current regime~you just ignore them. No one in politics deserves a chance, ever again. Exception would be Kucinich. It's time they learned to use their hands.

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