The MSEHP Act has been passed in thirtyeight (38) states [AL, AK, AZ, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, LA, ME, MD, MN, MO, MT, NV, NH, NJ,
NM, NC, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WI, and WY] and DC through 66 bills or resolutions that include provisions from or closely related
to the Act. Source: The Centers for Law and Public Health
The Model Act seems to have been drafted for a different age; it is more appropriate for the United States of the 19th century than for the United
States of the 21st century - George J. Annas
Many of you are familiar with the
Model State Emergency Health Powers
Act itself, yet it seems a fine time to issue a refresher. Drafted in October of 2001 by a lawyer of the CDC, The Act itself serves the purpose
of giving government on the state and national levels the capacity to seize persons and property under martial law for mandatory vaccination or
quarantine should a public health emergency arise. Critics worried that the implementation of this act "could turn governors into dictators"
through the simple declaration of a "public health emergency," which meant under the broad provisions of the act that
an influenza outbreak
could qualify as an "emergency".
I recall a conversation about a year ago in which a friend, a professor and history major, disregarded the notion that the government would possibly
be bold enough to seize power over any event so trivial as influenza. My merely bringing the subject up clearly exasperated him and in closing the
discussion he argued that even if the government dared to pull of such a stunt, "The People Wouldn't Stand For It - there would be riots in the
Flash forward to Swine Flu and rather casually,
FEMA under its Disaster Assistance
Policy and National Guard units across America are standing at ready for leadership to hit the martial law button which has been placed before
them in the pretense of pandemic. The reaction of the public, as typical, is one of apparent silence.
According to
the CDC, states which have declared Public Health Emergencies, thus meeting the
criteria of the act, include : California, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Other states
have begun making baby steps following their lead, and I'm sure you will find as the momentum of this event picks up compliance will become
mandatory. Here's an idea of the
forms of consent to
quarantine you may have to sign in the near future should the government suspect you carry the swine flu - this example document comes from
The blueprint for martial law, compulsory vaccinations, and mass internment of the population under no pretense of any evidence has manifested from
paper to a grand structure within our reality. Skepticism before this event was, perhaps, an understandable position, yet as the nightmare unfolds
before us it becomes an act of utter insanity. Who would have anticipated that within the first decade of the new millenium, America would end up
resembling Europe during the bubonic plague?