posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by helium3
Ok, don't hate me, but most likely, you have photographed dust.
I am a paranormal investigator and have been doing ghost hunts for several years and we get these things all the time... we don't even pay attention
to them anymore. A tiny little speck of dust will show up like that when the light from the flash illuminates it, especially if you are taking the
pic in the dark. You say that has never happened with that camera before... Have you taken very many pics in the dark before? I say all this nicely,
btw. I usually don't get all huffy and pissy like many people on here, ha ha!
Here's a little experiment you can do if you have carpet in your home. Go into a carpeted room, in the dark and snap a pic with the flash. You may
or may not have those orbs. Then, drag your feet across the floor, kick the floor, jump up and down or whatever, lol... you're trying to stir up
dust. Then, take another pic in the dark, with the flash. I'll almost guarantee that you'll have more "orbs" in the second pic than you did in
the first.
BUT, this is just my opinion and I say it very nicely. Just trying to be helpful because I LOVE ghost hunting and I'm glad you're doing it... keep
it up! And I'm not saying that you DIDN'T catch something paranormal on there because energy does manifest as orbs sometimes, but true orbs are
usually not transparent at all and they produce their own light and will be very very bright in photos.