posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:40 PM
I always like to be aware of things like this just because, whether you believe they will happen or not, there's a possibility that it could happen
and that awareness could save your life if it were to actually happen.
So, I went on google earth and tried to locate the island you were talking about and couldn't. There is one small island just off the coast near
Yucatan, Mexico. Is this the island you were referring to? It confused me because this island runs NW to SE and you said Horn Island runs NE to SW.
The whole reason I was looking for it was because you had said that the SW portion of the island would be safe. I wanted to see how far from Miami
that was so I could compare it to how far I am from Miami (in SC). I hope it's not the island off the coast of Yucatan because that would put my city
in SC within range of whatever by about 120 miles.